02 March 2009

The problem with Teenage Girls...

Why must most teenage girls be so utterly fixated on weight, love and entertainment? You'd think that it being an age of rebellion we would be against the whole idea of teenage years which were created to sell products. Products are only sold when we feel inferior and are falsely led to believe that we can not be as 'happy' as another without certain products or if we don't conform to a popular body image.
Another rather peculiar notion that has embedded itself in teenage girls everywhere is that if they look a certain way and follow a certain code of conduct, they will inevitably fall in love and live happily ever after. Apparently this extends to klutzy, plain girls and vampires.
Entertainment is so closely associated with propaganda I can no longer tell the difference. Why would you ever want to watch something that is going to make you falsely believe that you are of no worth unless you look like a centerfold and dress like a kinderwhore?

The most important thing to takeaway from this is: who cares what you look like, I LOVE YOU.

- here, have some ego.


paradise said...

good stuff shelley =D
it's a sad truth that most of our opinions and personalities are byproducts of media shoved down our throats.

Stella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

02 March 2009

The problem with Teenage Girls...

Why must most teenage girls be so utterly fixated on weight, love and entertainment? You'd think that it being an age of rebellion we would be against the whole idea of teenage years which were created to sell products. Products are only sold when we feel inferior and are falsely led to believe that we can not be as 'happy' as another without certain products or if we don't conform to a popular body image.
Another rather peculiar notion that has embedded itself in teenage girls everywhere is that if they look a certain way and follow a certain code of conduct, they will inevitably fall in love and live happily ever after. Apparently this extends to klutzy, plain girls and vampires.
Entertainment is so closely associated with propaganda I can no longer tell the difference. Why would you ever want to watch something that is going to make you falsely believe that you are of no worth unless you look like a centerfold and dress like a kinderwhore?

The most important thing to takeaway from this is: who cares what you look like, I LOVE YOU.

- here, have some ego.


paradise said...

good stuff shelley =D
it's a sad truth that most of our opinions and personalities are byproducts of media shoved down our throats.

Stella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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