25 March 2009

Corporate Whore

Say you worked for the establishment...oh yes the evil establishment, what would you wear?

Pride - by nancyandtoy on Polyvore.com
Akira was all about her lips. They were a ripe, luscious red in full bloom. When they parted, you could see the small sharp teeth that drew blood in her nervous states. She's hunting down the perfect pout to lure the hopelessly romantic.

Are Earl Grey tea bags married?
Not exactly "Corporate Whore" but the establishment all the same.
Tea - by smackerals on Polyvore.com


Lee said...

correction...those shoes in mine should have been louboutins x)

25 March 2009

Corporate Whore

Say you worked for the establishment...oh yes the evil establishment, what would you wear?

Pride - by nancyandtoy on Polyvore.com
Akira was all about her lips. They were a ripe, luscious red in full bloom. When they parted, you could see the small sharp teeth that drew blood in her nervous states. She's hunting down the perfect pout to lure the hopelessly romantic.

Are Earl Grey tea bags married?
Not exactly "Corporate Whore" but the establishment all the same.
Tea - by smackerals on Polyvore.com

1 comment:

Lee said...

correction...those shoes in mine should have been louboutins x)


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