25 December 2008

cat name.

Apparently the name Cat isn't great.

23 December 2008

New Fear's Resolutions

Lee's resolutions:
♥ get a new do. betty bangs are lust... in pink. not that it would suit my face
♥ get contacts and wear my scary face more often
♥ get better at academic bs
♥ stay out of the ridiculous melodrama that you make your life
♥ save my irrisistable nearing laughter look on life
♥ keep healthy (I'll shoot you and bring you down if you say you want to loose weight)
♥ stop talking and saying nothing...flies in and out.
♥ blackify!
♥ learn the art of being more dominating and domineering.

and yours?

► I shall make it up as I go along :)
► Understand life, the world, the universe.
► Increase my DVD collection! It's not much of a collection at the moment. Larry Nightingale would say: You only have 2 dvd boxsets?! Well technically that's 11 DVDs :P
► Stop wasting money on bleeping food when I go out.
► Actually bother to download music instead of streaming online.

<3 Get a hot fobby hair do
<3 Get new and fobbier clothes
<3 Achieve better grades
<3 Expand my vocab
<3 Learn to predicate and influence, if not dominate others actions
and last but not least
<3 LOSE WEIGHT (just had to include it for you, shelley )

-Keep my abs! Which actually means I have them, which I know, you gotta see to believe! And I can fit into a size 8 now, so proud of myself! I guess that means there's less of me to love now?
-Kick my drug addiction. Yes, I am a drug addict, and god I need my fix. That's probably why my hands shook when I was around you Shelley!
-Be the best Vicki I can be!

And sorry Winnie, but your resolutions made me giggle! :)

Michelle's Resolution:
short showers

- To accept everything that happens to me with my head held high.
- To acknowledge that there's always going to be someone better than me.
- To try my best in everything that I do.
- To learn control.
- To stop lapsing into brief periods of self doubt and self pity.
- To be the best that I can.
- To never give up.

Heh, basically become a whole different person. They all seem like impossible dreams right now, but I figure that if I keep trying, I'm going to manage to achieve them.



isnt it great? such nice lyrics? and what cute guys?

21 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson Two

In Lesson One, I described how to be bored. So this lesson, I shall describe what being bored is like.

While doing something that no longer entertains you, you feel this compelling urge to continue doing it, even though it's no longer is fun. You feel like you're obligated to continue doing it but you have no idea why.

For example, when I'm bored, I read fanfiction with my head on my arms and my eyes barely open, but I can't be bothered to stop and do anything else.

And that is what being bored is like.

Next time:
How to cope with being bored.

20 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson One

Folks, if you don't like this post, you can blame Winnie, this was entirely her idea. It was spawned on this very night when she mentioned that our blog was looking empty. So here I am typing up this wonderful post and sharing my knowledge with you lovely people. So, here we go.

Now my lovely pupils, since I have perfected the art of being bored, I feel obliged to impart some of this knowledge onto you. :) The first thing you need, is to do something that you love. Keep doing this over and over and over again until you're sick of it, but you have nothing else to do so you must continue to do it. So day after day, continue to do this activity and you find yourself so bored..but you can't do anything else. And there you have the first step to perfecting the Art of Being Bored. :)

13 December 2008

Cat, I love you

I find it sweet that you
♥are playing with my space bar
♥accidentally lick me when you're cleaning yourself
♥smell of cat saliva
♥just pawed at and nibbled my hand
♥fall asleep on me every three seconds
♥let me play with the soft parts of your paws and you tail when you are asleep
♥that you are now eating my shirt.

Well I got a new cat on today and she purrrrs when I hold her like a baby with all fours in the air. Her name is Cat after the no-name cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm high on happy with love.
See? I do love someone else other than myself.

04 December 2008

Michelle's Quiz

This I think is the quiz that Michelle tried to introduce but you know how computers are...
Your rainbow is strongly shaded violet.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Your rainbow is shaded yellow.


What is says about you: You are a joyful person. You appreciate optimism. You're good at getting people to like you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Your rainbow is strongly shaded green and yellow.


What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You appreciate optimism. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You're good at getting people to like you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.


Your rainbow is shaded gray.


What is says about you: You are an elegant person. You appreciate tradition and wisdom that comes with age. You depend on modern technology and may feel uncomfortable without it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

I was bored so I did it again and the results were different...
Your rainbow is shaded red.


What is says about you: You are a passionate person. You appreciate energetic people. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

21 November 2008

Daydreaming stories

So, you write a story (recount?) about a daydream you have of someone you like (in any sense of the word like).
Just edit this post and add to the bottom.



I open my eyes and discover that I’m here again. I suppose I should describe where here is. Just give me a second so that I can come down from the euphoria I experience every time I’m here.

Ok. I’m ready.

Do you have a place that you can go to whenever you’re feeling down or you just want a little peace and quiet? It’s hard to find places like that nowadays. Especially living in a house with so many other people. So I decided to utilise my imagination for something useful. Daydreaming.

I do it a lot. It’s the only way that I don’t go crazy with all the thoughts going through my mind. It’s like a jumble of everything, running around crazily, with no sense of direction. Eventually, I don’t think I would’ve been able to think straight if I wasn’t able to come here.

And we’re back to that again. Where is here? I suppose it’s my special spot. I don’t think either of you guys would be able to imagine it, even if I tried to describe it to you. It’s unique. I’m sure that you guys all have your own unique spot. I’ll try and describe it anyway.

The first thing that you can see is a hill. It’s not a large hill, but large enough so that I can lie down comfortably and watch the clouds pass by. Another thing, the clouds are endless, no matter which way I turn, I can always see a cloud. And you should see the sun! It’s always near sunset when I get to here. And the colours on the sky are just so captivating and beautiful; it makes me wish I never had to leave.

By now, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with a daydream of someone I like. Be patient, I’m getting there.

I always arrive a few metres away from the ideal cloud watching spot, so I have a little time to walk there and lie down. Today’s different though. As I’m walking there, I notice someone’s already there, lying in the spot that’s reserved for me only. At first, I’m angry, how can they intrude on my private time? Then I remember that this is my imagination, they can’t be here without me wanting them to be.

I’m curious as to who it is. It’s like they can sense my thoughts because they sit up and look straight at me. They smile at me and I find myself smiling back. It’s hard to believe that they’re actually here. They pat the spot next to them and I lie down, holding their hand firmly in mine.

It’s amazing how comfortable it is with them here. Before I’d only been here myself, deriving comfort from the tranquility of the place, but now I found myself getting the comfort from listening to them murmur in my ear, talking about nonsensical things and watching the clouds go by together.

It’s nice.


It's my direction
It's my proposal
It's so hard
It's leading me astray

My obsession
It's my creation
You'll understand
It's not important now

All I need is
I can't imagine
My destination
My intention
Ask my opinion
But no excuse
My feelings still remain
My feelings still remain


Sky Fell Over Me
♪ Now hold on to me pretty baby
If you want to fly
I’m gonna melt the fever sugar
Rolling back your eyes

So what's it gonna take?
Silver shadow believer....
Spock rocker with your dirty eyes ♪

I’m shaken. She’s Jackie. She opened the doors to a different world and my world in shades of grey, elaborately transformed to something magical. I used to think “You are the one”. Now I just think she’s the Weather Girl. I wish we would Turn to Real Life. That’s my daydream.
She’s my RocketShip. Made away with my Elastic heart in her pocket after I whispered; “I promise you walls”.
♥ to my paper jesus.
There will be no waiting…I’m so over her
Because I want you.
(Placebo for good measure. After all, We are pilots).


Good morning imaginary constructs! -Alex Drake, Ashes to Ashes


Life is a dream from which only death awakens us.


15 November 2008

Inspirational Quotes from an Inspirational Blog

No that inspiration blog isn't us but we will soon be there!
I stumbled across this lovely collection of quotes that make be bubble and fizzle on the inside.
17 Inspirational Quotes on People Skills by Henrik Edberg
my fav: "Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight" oh ♥

13 November 2008

Racism is kicking

Some chick walked past me today and randomly goes; "Fucking asians". I almost started laughing purely because it was a stupid thing to say.

Well after a chuckle, what do you think about asian girls and different races?
My sister was in QLD a couple of months back and while she was in the bathroom, two white girls saw her and started bitching about her and asians in general. My sister, being the type to avoid fights, let this go and headed outside where she told her friend about this. Type A personality friend hhas a screaming competition with them.
Your thoughts on Racism in Australia?

06 November 2008

Polyvore Nation

Simple bud of an Idea: we use polyvore to generate an outfit, scenery or a collection of items given a theme. We then use the polyvore generated piece to write a short paragraph of creative writing associated with or inspired by the piece.
Excellent Idea from MiHo: Use the edit post function to add your pretties to the same post instead of making multiple ones!
Click to Start
To kick off:
Theme: Nerd/Geek Chic (in honor of the much too frilly SC)
Here's Mine: "Naughty Secretary"

Naughty Secretary by nancyandtoy
She enjoys toying with her boss, it puts him in a difficult position. Her co-workers often ask; "Are you free this Saturday?". She just as often replies in the negative and with a delicious swing of her hips, she is gone. She spends the day flirting with clients on the phone while searching for costume jewellery online.


Nerd Time by velvet-kiss

Molly loves maths. Ever since she was six years old she decided that she wanted to be a NASA aerodynamics engineer. Although the boys at school would never admit it they secretly loved the way she awkwardly stands by herself at the bus stop, they way she chews her pen in concentration and the light scattering of freckles on her button nose. Her favourite food is cheese and she wishes that George Gabriel Stokes was still alive.


Popular Nerd by kyuubinaru

She's hot, popular and she knows it...at least that's what she wants you to think. When she's out with friends, she's perfect. She knows her brands, she's got the right amount of bitchiness and she's great to hang around. At home, back off, she's a total nerd at heart and will murder you if you get between her and her equations.


green greenie by smackerals
Carys' one of those bloody multitasking-good-at-everything-on-the-artsy-side-of-things people. She's rubbbish at maths. But that doesn't matter. She's currently writing a novel. A songwriter too, influenced by The Beatles (minus the drugs). After all, her name means 'love' and All You Need is Love. Carys is very concerned about the state of the Earth and is actively involved in local environmental organisation.

andy by tofee apples

Meet Andy. If she wasn't too cute she could almost pass for a guy. She's bold, daring and chooses to live on the wild side of life. She'd never be caught dead in a proper dress. But sometimes her inner self shows her feminine side, when she loves nothing better than having a fabulous pair of high heel shoes and lovely lingerie. She's cool, energetic, full of action, you name it. On the other hand if you truly knew her, you'd know that Andy puts up a fierce personality to hide her fragile emotions.


In Winnie's recent definition of friends: "someone you will go out of your way to be with". I get it, you don't love horror movies but the thrill is something we all crave. We like drama and we can't live without stirring trouble so why not get this out of your system and join us in a celebration of faux horrors on a screen. No harm could possibly be done to you where characters exist on screen. If the windows start to rattle, if the telephone rings, if the radio mysteriously turns on and only static is heard, if there is a knock at the door, if there is a pattering of foosteps in the room behind us, we'll still all be together.
It is common courtesy that you join us in our celebration of all that is macabre and sweetly bloody, just as I have taken it in my stride to join you in your lovely fob gatherings.
Date: 21st Friday. Where we'll travel with the host to her house after school.
Film: Nightmare on Elm Street (though this is flexible with any choices you might have)
Comment if you're interested in coming!
With ♥ and blood lust.

05 November 2008


(you won Jess!)

04 November 2008

Tool: "Hush"

One message, not that you'd care: Fuck You.

Just Kidding.

03 November 2008


Ok. This is in response to jess's previous two posts. I visited urban dictionary and found this.. its pretty sweet

True friendship is not when you go to school and hang around with someone just because you have no one else to chill with.
Its not calling someone up when your bored because they are fun to talk to but because you want to.
Its not when you cant think of a birthday gift and end up buying your friend a wal-mart gift card.
Is not when you have to talk to someone about something you don't particularly care about (like how much snow we got last year) to avoid an awkward silence.
Friendship is when you love someone with every ounce of your being and genuinely want them to be happy even if it means sacrificing something your self to make them happy.
A true friend is someone you can talk to about your feelings, someone you can tell things you could never tell your family or even your partner.
They are someone who you don't have to talk to but someone you want to talk to; someone you will go out of your way to be with.
Friendship is when you love someone so much you want to hold them and never let go, someone you want to rest your head on and cry, and you would let them cry on you too.
Its someone you can talk to about things you disagree on and end up being closer for that disagreement.
Its when you think about someone and how close you are to them and how much you love them and you smile and are happy all over.
Friendship is when your love for someone exceeds your need for them.

Just something I thought of...

Oh yeah..just wanted to say that this is dedicated to Vicki..it's meant to be her 'prize' for guessing the changes correctly..so yeah.

I dreamed a dream today.

It was just me again, lying in the grass, staring at the clouds. Somehow I knew that this dream would be different from the ones that I’d had before. But right now, everything looked the same. It was still just me, lying in the grass, staring at the clouds. It wasn’t until I felt someone, rather some people lay down next to me that I realised what was different.

I wasn’t alone this time.

They all turned to smile at me and I gave them a gentle smile of my own. Their presence seemed to resonate throughout my soul and I could feel the beginnings of a large smile on my lips. The ten of us lay on the grass, staring at the clouds, sometimes pointing at some cloud shaped object and asking each other what we could see. I stayed quiet, content to listen to them ramble on about nonsensical things, until someone elbowed me, signaling that they’d asked me a question. I cocked my head to the side and asked them what the question was. They pointed to the lone cloud in the sky.

“What do you think it looks like?”

I looked at the fluffy, white blob, trying to decipher what it could possible represent. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when I noticed everyone looking at me expectantly that I realised what it was. I chuckled to myself and flopped back on the grass. Everyone sighed and did the same.

“It’s friendship.”

And at that moment, we all understood that this was what friendship was. Being able to feel at ease in each other’s company, being able to express what we wanted without fear that someone would laugh. This was friendship. Total and unconditional love for each other.

And I realised that I never wanted to wake up from this dream.

02 November 2008

Interesting Definitions

Ok..this idea was spawned from Shelley who told me to look up Asian on Urban Dictionary.

a) person who is from a eastern oriental country such as China, Japan, or Korea. Asians are usually smart and have the following aspects although not limited to:
1. straight A's
2. strict parents
3. good at Math and Science
4. superb SAT and ACT scores
5. Ivy League college oriented
6. some can break dance and rap
7. good at video games
8. generally dominates at anything they set out to do

b) the race with the hottest girls.

c) a person who is more advanced and sees in widescreen hi-def, this makes asians good snipers. this is also why Jackie Chan can see anybody coming at him.

d) A race where a majority of them are intelligent. People who call them nerds are just sad that they get fucked up grades when Asians get A's and B's. Like all races, there are ugly people, with ugly Asians probably being the most grotesque. But the pretty Asians look the prettiest in contrast. They are the ones who invented the best of everything, like cell phones, cars, computers, etc.

e)The epitome of perfect hotness
None can compare
Hail the asians for their superiority and we also produce the cutest babies. Especially if they are mixed.
We Pwn all.
Excel at everything,
All your bases are belong to us.

So after getting laughs from the retarded definitions on this site..I decided why the heck don't I search up our names and see what turns up (Michelle..I've already been through this with you, but bear with me) So alphabetically (just so you know, i didn't write any of these..so if you take offence to them..it's not my fault!! But i'll try to soften the blow by putting nice ones as well as not so nice ones):

a) a young, beautiful, sophisticated woman who is confident in all that she does.
b) A very cool person! Generally rocks and has very gorgeous hair and a gud style. Many friends, a HOTTIE!
c) a paticurly nice cheese sandwich
d) A random peice of hair that often falls into your face at inconvenient times.
e) Humorous nickname to a male who is acting like woman.

a) slang term for a highly attractive and sexually intriguing individual.
b) The mos beautiful person in the world. Often referred to as a Goddess. Has eyes that one can easily get lost in. A great friend that cares about people and makes the world a better place. Easy to love too.
c) A person who says totally inapropriate things to other people, especially people called david. She is renound for making sexual references constantly.
d) To do something stupid, i.e walk into a lamppost, burn the carpet etc
e) The ability to write 8 pages in only 2 hours.

a) a name of a fine ass chick ever
b) Someone, often male, who exhibits weakness, femininity, spinelessness, low pain tolerance, and/or a general lack of a man card. Eunices often whine, complain, cry, and make up lame excuses for being unable to cowboy up.
c) applies mainly to woman, the crazy voice in the back of your head that makes you rationalize unrational acts when feeling rejected by the opposite sex.
d) being inside of a place compiled of walls all around you.
e) A girl's name; which in Greek means "Happy Victory".

a) A girl who likes to steal other people's boyfriends. Sleeps around, but often gets rejected lots.
b) Jessica is one of the coolest people ever! jessica's are one of the most prettiest people ever and they are sooo smart!
c) some one not afraid to piss any where or on anyone.
d) a jessica is a male that is trapped in a womans body. all jessicas have secret identities as being men in their past/post life.
e) the act of sleeping with muliple amount of male species; can also mean saying "i love you" after two weeks of dating.

a) Flirtatious and Having astounding sex appeal by nature. Attention whore. Gregarious and very social.
b) one who is amazingly concieted and very crazy. Michelle's tend to be a little out there but that is what makes them so loveable. they are also nymphos.
c) A gorgeous girl who is very sweet and funny. Likes to change her hair a lot.
d) A disgustingly conceited man who pretends to be a woman. If indeed a woman usually attracted to the same sex.
e) She is smart, nice, and funny and her name is synonomous for "everything nice".

a) Tiffany is a name given to mostly American girls, it became popular during the early 1980s. The stereotype that comes with the name is a sexy cheerleader type, or sexy girl.
b) She is attracted to skater-fags and hangs out with a relatively outgoing group of girls. She likes to drown herself in her music and typically hates life. She's extremely energetic. When she's happy, you know it. If she's depressed.. just stare at her.. she'll get mad/happy.. JUST DO IT, you'll see.. It's like when you tickle any girl.. they get mad and tell you to stop, while they're still laughing.
c) to be skinny in adolesence and suddenly become obese
d) Retard, idiot, does stupid things, trips over nothing
e) A sexy girl, usually blonde or brunette, whom is outgoing but sometimes shy

a) A person of this name are usually Gemini with split personalities. A quiet and gentle side sometimes over shadowed by a Angelica like playful personality.
b) The act of sexing up an overly confident person.
c) A male dressed in female clothing. This person can often be seen stopping cars to flash drivers and blowing seductive kisses in the way of dogs.
d) Someone who believes that the whole world revolves around them and does not realise that they have no life.
e) Someone who likes to eat shit from their toilet. Caution is advised when talking to someone with this name as their breath is horrible.

a) An extremely sexy person, who is known to be promiscuous.
b) One of the many types of widely distributed indigenious horny mammals native to southwest britain, northeast cambodia, central Africa, Sub Saharan deserts, mines of Australia, tombs of Egypt, caves of India and university residences.
c) Someone who secretly likes to flash people
d) A big fat ball of human jelly that has to rolled from one place to another. Friends with this person must have a lot of stamina because they have to constantly roll this ball around.
e) Someone who likes to play with themselves.

a) The name given to female children so they might one day look up the meaning and see that it means "victor" so they eventually turn into nasty little spoiled brats.
b) Really Really Asian.
c) a simple accident, or event that leads to pain. An experience that leads to stress or frustration. A stupid, yet laughable situation in life.
d) pretty much the most awesome person you will ever hope to meet. many people try to be as ballin as victoria but in many cases do not succeed. victorias are pretty awesome and pretty much the greatest thing since...there basically goddesses and are super gorgeous!
e) In Ireland, this is a name givin to someone that makes you laugh alot.

a) Someone who tries to make people laugh but fails.
b) Someone who can't keep their fingers out of their 'honeypot'
c) Calm and beautiful, this person represents the serenity in your life.
d) Someone who jumps around a lot without stopping. May seem strange to those around her.
e) Someone who makes violent hand gestures that threaten to damage your eyes.

Well I hope you enjoyed reading these as much as I enjoyed it!

01 November 2008

♥this song

Dear Sugar Buns: Relationships

Some of us really need to read this (well me, but it would be nice if everyone read this). I'm serious.
Emphasis on the third and last point.
How to Improve Your Relationships

Battle !?

Anyway to continue to make this tournament fair, Winnie and Shelley shall have a rematch- against each other. At the same time, Vicki vs Eunice will take place! Please vote (fairly!)! ;)

edit: oooh the polls aren't displaying, so if anyone could edit this post to include them the battle can be underway!
Lee: If anyone wants to add polls in future, you have to finish making the poll, on the side there's an option for flash poll. Select that and copy html.

30 October 2008

Kris Kringle

I think it'd be easier if we all told each other what we want for christmas..this way we don't have to snoop around and ask other people..lol

So I'll go first..although I've told everybody..

I want a remote controlled car! :)

Virtues...what virtues?

You Scored as Temperance

Temperance- with you is great patience, a calmness that affects all around you.



You Scored as Faith

Faith- with you is the strength of God.









29 October 2008


You Scored as Hope

Hope- with you are the dreams of the trust that is given by those you are with.

Hope 68%
Prudence 64%
Temperance 61%
Fortitude 57%
Justice 54%
Charity 46%
Faith 46%

Seven Not-so-deadly Virtues

You Scored as Prudence
Prudence- with you are good judgement and a sharp mind.

Prudence 75%
Fortitude 64%
Hope 54%
Charity 54%
Temperance 46%
Justice 43%
Faith 14%

Note: it may look long but it took me a couple of minutes

Seven Heavenly Virtues Quiz

An Idea ^^ the third one ><

Wth is it called an idea.. its so weird .. anyhow due to jess and shelley's demands i have to do this ^^ ok .. this is gonna be hard. everyone kinda has the same opinions of each other but lets try to word this differently so it seems that it's totally different. Oh and i have to have proper sentences ><

I havent had a proper conversation with you however you seem like you are a good listener. I found out we do have something in common i.e Torchwood. You seem like a sweet person and a great friend to have. Hopefully our understanding of each other and friendship will grow over the next two years

My four year science buddy. You're a great friend to have. Always so cheerful, studious and a great listener. I love our science questions. You're a trustworthy friend and a caring one. My mother from school ^^ You care about my homework, my assignment and my sleeping habits. Everytime you pop online to tremind me about these things my heart warms up. I love your spontaneous questions and your weird comments *coughcoldattitudecough*

You're a fantastic friend to have. Lessons with you are never a bore. You stand there without struggling when i hug you . You're aggro however only sometimes. We'v made many valuable memories which i will treasure for life. You're funny and such a mysterious girl ( i still want to meet your brother and dog!!) You hardly ever hit, smack or kick me and im happy about that because in my opinion that's your sign of affection no matter what other people say.

You're a caring person with a cold facade but a warm heart. (i used a big word.. facade) You constantly help *coughteasecough* me with my spelling and my English. You make tutor less of a chore. Your dirty and quick mind makes me laugh and gives me headaches. Your chivalry and personality is something i admire and your hair is hot.

Hm.. i haven't talked to you for awhile but you seem like such a nice person to talk to. Talking with you is great we could talk about endless nothings. Silence is no longer awkward. Reminiscing year seven and hoping we can do that sometime again. You seem like a organized person and not afraid to jig class,

You're a great listener. You a great to joke around with hardly get offended and you do laugh at my retarded comments. You go out of your way to research stuff concerning me and worry about me. You keep things i tell you a secret and in turn help me solve the problem. Your sarcastic personality is funny. You cold side kicks in, in the morning which is great meaning people wont talk as much because they're scared therefore ensuring a silent and peaceful walk to boring school.

You are studious person who is very organized. You are adorable and cute. You are kind and sharing. You're fun to be around and silences are fine.I'm hoping to turn you into a fob but that'll have to wait.

You're an interesting person and conversations with you are never boring. You're a smart person and your smile is warming. Every morning i look forward to your greeting which is bubbly and happy. You're nice and seem like a very deep person.

You're a very bubbly and nice friend. Your absence is terrible though we hope you're having a great time in Japan. Your songs are missed which im shocked to admit. You give people a welcoming feeling. Your hugs are nice and you're adorable. You're enthusiastic about everything which is infectious.

You're a great person with great taste in music and in guys. However being to close to Shelley has caused you to be more vain and narcissistic.

lol thats the end of my post.. sorry its a bit weird .. hope you enjoyed it.. and i didnt offend anyone ^^ and i wont miss shelley's mount everests


Hey guys, just want to say that I'm officially forfeiting from the 'Hot Guys Tournament'. Obviously you know that I've been cheating and only now do I think that it's unfair for me to do this. So..yeah, I'm going to forfeit from the competition, leaving Vicki to move forward into the next round..

I just want to say sorry to Winnie and Shelley because I think they would have won if I hadn't cheated..so maybe you guys can go back to them later?

So yeah....

28 October 2008

Following Shelley's post of: Projections..etc

Where I would like to be in my late-twenties:

- first thing that come to mind, married. Married to someone who loves me for who I am and in return I love them too.
- I'd like to have my first child somewhere around this time. :)
- Finished my uni course..hopefully. I'm into psychology right now..
- Got a stable job which I love..hopefully not too much paperwork..bleh boring!
- I'd like to have been around the world at least once.
- I'd like to have friends who are all unique but we all at least have something in common
- I'd like to have a pet dog
- I'd like to live somewhere when I can watch the sun rise, look at clouds, watch the sun set and look at the stars.
- I'd want to own a sports car and a motorbike.
- I'd want to be past all my first time experiences: first kiss, first sexual partner, first alcholic drink etc..

Sorry, can't think of anything else...so I guess no brownie points for me..

btw Shelley..Winnie's kinda disappointed that you're going to get rid of your 'mount everests'

The Idea again...

My turn! Sorry I'm so general. Being nice was hard..being mean and aggro is so much easier. You guys should try it sometime!

Alice: haven’t talked to her much..if at all. But uhh, she looks like a pretty nice person. She looks like the kind of girl who could just listen to you talk on and on about everything and nothing in general.

Emily: even though she and I clash like the sun and moon (although shelley is supposed to be the sun, bear with me) she's a sweet and lovable girl. Whenever I see her, i just get this urge to go up to her and give her a big hug and several squeezes to her cheeks. And she smiles at me when I'm staring at her..others just look away..so you get a gold star!

Eunice: well..she manages to put up with the craziness in our group without seeming too damaged..so she's alright in my book. Also I've seen her hit Winnie so that's another point..lol. But seriously, although I've never talked much to her, she seems like a pretty funny person that's prone to violence sometime.. :)

Michelle: Ahh Michelle, she has a pretty infectious laugh. It's loud, it's boisterous, but it bloody makes me want to laugh along with her. It amazes me sometimes how she can just laugh at nothing sometimes and I guess that's what makes her special.

Shelley: She has a dark sarcastic sense of humour that I adore. She annoys the heck out of Vicki and that's cool with me! I love how random she can be sometimes..like reading an email that she sent me..which i had to read several times and i still didn't get it in the end..but yeah, she's random, she's sarcastic, but i sure as hell love to elbow her boobs!

Tiffany: One day I'll show her that she actually really adores me! lol. But yeah, she's cute and easy to be around with. I get a kick out of staring at her because she turns away nervously instead of staring back. She's a great person to hang out with and I think she'd be the type of person who would be willing to sit in silence without trying to make conversation. Awesome.

Vicki: Sometimes she knows just what to say to make me smile...she's dirty minded enough to know what I'm trying to insinuate half the time, but I still think that she cheated in that quiz. I love looking up at her and sending her a smile before looking away because I know that she'll send one back.

Victoria: She's definately sweet in a cute and cuddly way. She's understanding and a great friend to be around. She can be friends with anyone because of her caring attitude towards anyone. She doesn't judge and thinks things through before going through with anything.

Winnie: I guess she's an all-rounder. She's pretty nice, pretty dirty minded, pretty sarcastic, pretty aggro, and pretty pretty. lol. She can bounce back from things pretty easily and she puts up with Shelley pretty well..so that's good!

All in all, we're a group because we have something in common.

We're all pathetic..well I know I am, anyone want to join??

Projection, Setting Goals and Planning Ahead

Another flash, another lightbulb floating above my head!
The task is to describe where you would like to be in the future in your perfect world and circumstances. I say mid-twenties by default but if you like, you could be any age.
Details are diamonds obviously!
To kick off:

Where I would like to be in my mid-twenties:
♦well into my university education of some sort presuming that I’ve gotten the UAI enough for the course I’m after (which is a secret just in case I change my mind)
♦somewhere around here I’d be in London or some other frilly city where nobody bumps into people they know
♦I’d have grown colorful interests, eclectic and eccentric
♦have a circle of those who were somewhat like me but their own strange self
♦a larger wardrobe of mainly black
♦an excellent part-time job that’s “interesting” to say the least ;)
♦exercising (I promise myself, although I don’t know how long I will remember this)
♦finished a photography course
♦own a cat (or more) and I’d walk it!
♦have an Aloe Vera plant, a gardenia plant and a climber
♦continue to be fickle in every aspect
♦have had experimented with various (strange?) haircuts (one day I tell you, Betty bangs). Maybe even synth dreads haha
♦well groomed, well read, fluent speech and less confuddlements
♦still writing, keeping track in a diary or some blog form
♦be able to control blushing
♦tattoos!!!!! Obviously, everywhere. (it’s the only thing worth saving my body for!)
♦rent a beau-terrific terrace somewhere dear the city with a fascinating roommate
♦I’d have long learnt how to avoid hitting my head everywhere
♦I’d be familiar with Sydney’s social scene unless I somehow develop into a hobbit/hermit (not a dancer, a sit-and-chat-to-strangers person)
♦I’d actually use my phone. Oh yes. Scary thought huh.
…did I mention that before then I would have liked to experiment with everything?

Your turn sugars! Longer lists get brownie points ♥

27 October 2008

The Idea Cont. by Lee

Okay well the idea you already know the details so onwards:
(Oh and I typed this out too many times and then found it applied to all of you: so many people are just vying for your affection!)

Alice: she makes me think of ballerinas with their hair down who dream of meadows. She dresses like Alice in Wonderland, bow-tastic, bit vintage & always lovely. True, I don't talk to you much but you are a cutesy one (esp. when she giggles in embarrassment and goes this mellow cherry blossom pink).

Emily: oh she has a way I tell you! A way to bring out the best in everyone, click with everyone and make people smile. It is absolutely impossible to stay mad at this doll. Major bonus: she's embarrassed about her magical hair which is actually one of her assets (even though I may tease you occasionally). Did I mention naturally academically focused?

Eunicorn: obviously I'm in love with your name. So many variations; everything from eunuch to eunicycle. Your taste is ♥. It makes me ecstatic that you don't mind the random crapulations that come out of my mouth-hole. Michelle is right: funny and electic. Split-second euphoria when you get affectionate! hint hint!

Jessica (or Ch**, or Chow, or Jess, or Jay Ch**, or Sick 'em Rex!): is something like a ying and yang symbol. The two major lovable sides; the hyperloving and the dominating. Determined and strong minded yet scared of horror movies. This idea of someone who's hard ;) and a softie concurrently (haha four syllables!) is who she's developed into. Me likey.

Michelle: she doesn't complain when you call her MiHo so you know what to do! Ahh... in my plan for world domination, she will be the Cheney/Howard to by Bush except that we will succeed unlike Bush. Or maybe I'm the Cheney/Howard to her Bush? She makes me giggle and she excites me with her suggestions ( of comspiracy, not in that way you dirty minded person! tsk tsk!).

Tiffany: she's a fobf (fob fan) and I still love her. That speaks volumes on its own! Perhaps even more determined than Jessica and still shy. If I were French I'd say she was adorable in that thick accent that I covet. She's Precious. My preciousssss-ss!

Vicki: I'm sorry who? Oh the girl who always laughs at my gibberish and encourages free flow of confuddling sweetness. She could click with anyone too (well of her choosing). Vicki/winnie/victoria/jessica is an artsy, intelligent (although she likes to pretend otherwise) growing investment (if you know what I mean!)

Victoria: we realised something terrible the other day. While we were packing the xmas boxes, we realised we didn't have enough. Now I hate to sound cheesy but you left a gap there and it hasn't been filled so COME BACK you BUM! She's sweetness itself and possibly the most interesting person I've talked to when it comes to religion and family. "Smoooth Criminal..." stole our hearts and fled to Japan.

Winnie: you'd have to cut her slack for the teasing she puts up with but even then she can laugh it off. I ♥ that she shares similar views on most people ("I wonder if her make up runs" bwahaha). She always manages to pop up whenever I'm in deep chocolate coloured stuff that smells horrid and doesn't taste very nice. Also ♥ her fickle nature (it's a good thing)!

(**= secret)
So thank you all!
You're all sincerely ♥d.
Esp. you for reading this post!

btw. You are mistaken if you think that I don't love people more than I love myself. If you ask I'll deny it though ;)
It's our little secret!

An Idea

Alright, so we have this idea of each person creating a post where we post a positive analysis about everyone in the group. Just figured out that there can never be enough love to spread around! So what you do is, write everybody's name in alphabetical order and begin from there!
The idea of this excercise is to boost your ego seeing as many teenage girls suffer from lack thereof and it is such a horrible thing when they don't realise what they've got.

Alice- Pretty much perfect. She's so nice, cute, cuddly, selfless, charitable, polite. Comfortable to be around, fun to be around, and I love whispering nonsensical phrases to her. She'll just sit forward, listen and whisper back sweet nothings back in your ear.

Emily- One of the most caring, considerate and friendly people I've ever met. I always feel like I can begin a conversation with her. I respect her in many ways one of the most important being that she will stick to her morals and values and won't be persuaded by just anyone. It takes guts to do that.

Eunice- I still haven't had a proper conversation with Eunice before but boy she seems funny, electic and possesses really good taste in men. Like, British men! I think she and I share the same interests in Henry Cavill and Harry Lloyd. :)

Jessica- She's so funny, protective and has just the right degree of rudeness to make me laugh! A sweet person underneath the armour. Oh yeah, and I like it when she surprises me with her movie tastes, like Sex and the City and the Duchess. I'm always thinking, wtf, really?

Shelley- She's like my dark half. Which is a good thing, I assure you! She's able to persuade me to try out new music and is a good conspiratorial buddy! ;) Personality wise, I am always in awe of her quick wit and her different views on ordinary things. Also, your skin is perfect, just perfect.

Tiffany- Cute. She's easy to be around, so so smart (her essays!), shares my Gossip Girl interest and actually squeels!, and has very nice taste in boys. (Maxxie, Eddie Redmayne, do you like Chuck?, and others which we'd find out in the future, I'm sure).

Vicki- A brilliant person. I'm always comfortable around her, we can talk about anything, she has the same retarded humour as me and has such soft skin. Adorable!

Victoria- I love it when she goes class to class singing or humming tunes to herself. Her smile is so friendly and open, she's a fantastic mathematician and dedicated enough in her interest in Japanese to abandon wonderful Australia for Japan! She is a kind, modest person and everyone should have a person like Victoria in their lives!

Winnie- I think her levels of caring and compassionate-ness are very high. She's concerned when you have troubles, so fun to have a laugh with, one of those people who cram but pull off brilliant marks, and someone who I have sweet memories of year 7 with. :)

23 October 2008

Seven Deadly Sins






Lust:Very Low


Discover Your Sins - Click Here

my lust is low ^^ and envy .. arent i a good girl ?

Battle Three

Ooh, now for the third match of this exciting tournament! It's between Vicki's diverse range of handsomeness and Jessica's gods with perfect bodies. Vote now!


Okay, so here goes, some guys you might know, some you don't, or most.

I think I shall start with my all time favourite:

He's a stripper from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. So yeah, Michelle, Florida is where I want to live for the culture!

Isn't that smile to die for? Wonder what he's suggesting

I like gymnasts.

And... twins who are gymnasts.

You could play join the dots with Jensen's freckles! And green eyes are gorgeous! And he chews on his pens too! I mean it's sorta disgusting when I do it, but not when he does?

And Tyson Beckford! Yum! :)

Battle Two Winner

The results are in... and Jessica has risen in triumph yet again! But how will her brave models fare against Vicki's mystery men? Get ready!

Btw Shelley, Alice and I appreciated your post, well, Adrien Brody. ;)

22 October 2008

Wrath has done me in..

Wrath:Very High
Envy:Very High
Pride:Very High

Discover Your Sins - Click Here


21 October 2008

Help: Rock Lyrics

I actually need help to find 10 songs (appropriate for class) that are rock and preferably have good lyrics.
Its for english class by the way so... unfortunately I couldn't give my teacher the lyrics of "sick sick sick" by Queens of the Stone Age even though I'm completely in love with it seeing as it has the lyrics; "You know what we want is,Candy to cum too."
So far I have: Wonderwall by Oasis, Vicarious and Lateralus by Tool.

Here's mine. What's yours?

Greed:Very High

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

20 October 2008

Battle Two

We're back for the second round of the much anticipated second round! The competition is fierce as muscly diaper wearing guys are versing a range of talented actors and musicians with interesting appearances! Vote now!

Battle One Winner!

The winner of Jessica vs Winnie was Jessica's men! I guess muscular underwear models suit everyone's tastes better than cute little Asian boys! Anyway make way for Shelley's entry coming up next!

17 October 2008

Of those who put the bounce in my step

The sugar to my cupcake:
I thought it may be more interesting if I had a little caption for each person so you knew part of the reason why I like them so much. Oh and seeing as my boys list was quite short I decided to include girls too. By the way they are in no particular order!

Adrien Brody:

From his perfect face (not typically attractive) and his lovely bod. What more can be expressed in words? Only the fact that he's an amazing actor! Watch the Pianist!

Brian Molko (Placebo):

While it isn't the most flattering picture of his face (yes he can be even BETTER looking), it's his body that makes this pictureperfect. Oh and its actually a picture of some dude holding the Magazine (Eros?. Perfect voice. Melting. I could go on...

Mat Devine & Jonathan Radtke (Kill Hannah):

Um.. Mat: Unique voice. Here I could make some terrible pun about his being just devine but I'll refrain. He's the one in the middle. Some years ago when I got my hair cut with the front long...yeah i stole (borrowed/took/got my muse) from Jonathan. Or tried to anyway.

Brody Dale (the Distillers & Spinnerette):
I just had to include two pictures.

Ohh and bonus: she licks things :)

The Birthday Massacre :

I'm sorry this has turned into a sort of band thing but gosh not one of them I wouldn't stutter and go gaga over.

Carah Faye Charnow:

She's the girl with the very short mini. It is so sad that she's no longer in Shiny Toy Guns.

Crispin Glover:

What is there not to like? So wonderfully creepy and beautiful.
In the case that the picture does not show go here:

Jonathan Rhys Meyers:
I stumbled across this photo and wow. Just wow.

Then I found out he was an actor as well as a muscly model. Which may be a bonus but msucles?!...

Obviously i liek the first picture more =D

Richard Gere:
HAha. This is here because I thought I'd like to suprise you. As a fairly "normal" child I liked him and he looked like this:

Noel Fielding:

Well you know how I feel seeing as how I do go on.

Dani Filth (Cradle of Filth):

Joan Jett:

Even though she's 50 now.

Dita and Marilyn:

Tim Minchin & others:
would be here because he just makes me laugh so much but if I had put photos of all the people who made me laugh boy that wouldn't be a competition would it? Besides we aren't judging by personality -.-
OH and the funny list would include richard brautigan and well... you know

25 December 2008

cat name.

Apparently the name Cat isn't great.

23 December 2008

New Fear's Resolutions

Lee's resolutions:
♥ get a new do. betty bangs are lust... in pink. not that it would suit my face
♥ get contacts and wear my scary face more often
♥ get better at academic bs
♥ stay out of the ridiculous melodrama that you make your life
♥ save my irrisistable nearing laughter look on life
♥ keep healthy (I'll shoot you and bring you down if you say you want to loose weight)
♥ stop talking and saying nothing...flies in and out.
♥ blackify!
♥ learn the art of being more dominating and domineering.

and yours?

► I shall make it up as I go along :)
► Understand life, the world, the universe.
► Increase my DVD collection! It's not much of a collection at the moment. Larry Nightingale would say: You only have 2 dvd boxsets?! Well technically that's 11 DVDs :P
► Stop wasting money on bleeping food when I go out.
► Actually bother to download music instead of streaming online.

<3 Get a hot fobby hair do
<3 Get new and fobbier clothes
<3 Achieve better grades
<3 Expand my vocab
<3 Learn to predicate and influence, if not dominate others actions
and last but not least
<3 LOSE WEIGHT (just had to include it for you, shelley )

-Keep my abs! Which actually means I have them, which I know, you gotta see to believe! And I can fit into a size 8 now, so proud of myself! I guess that means there's less of me to love now?
-Kick my drug addiction. Yes, I am a drug addict, and god I need my fix. That's probably why my hands shook when I was around you Shelley!
-Be the best Vicki I can be!

And sorry Winnie, but your resolutions made me giggle! :)

Michelle's Resolution:
short showers

- To accept everything that happens to me with my head held high.
- To acknowledge that there's always going to be someone better than me.
- To try my best in everything that I do.
- To learn control.
- To stop lapsing into brief periods of self doubt and self pity.
- To be the best that I can.
- To never give up.

Heh, basically become a whole different person. They all seem like impossible dreams right now, but I figure that if I keep trying, I'm going to manage to achieve them.



isnt it great? such nice lyrics? and what cute guys?

21 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson Two

In Lesson One, I described how to be bored. So this lesson, I shall describe what being bored is like.

While doing something that no longer entertains you, you feel this compelling urge to continue doing it, even though it's no longer is fun. You feel like you're obligated to continue doing it but you have no idea why.

For example, when I'm bored, I read fanfiction with my head on my arms and my eyes barely open, but I can't be bothered to stop and do anything else.

And that is what being bored is like.

Next time:
How to cope with being bored.

20 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson One

Folks, if you don't like this post, you can blame Winnie, this was entirely her idea. It was spawned on this very night when she mentioned that our blog was looking empty. So here I am typing up this wonderful post and sharing my knowledge with you lovely people. So, here we go.

Now my lovely pupils, since I have perfected the art of being bored, I feel obliged to impart some of this knowledge onto you. :) The first thing you need, is to do something that you love. Keep doing this over and over and over again until you're sick of it, but you have nothing else to do so you must continue to do it. So day after day, continue to do this activity and you find yourself so bored..but you can't do anything else. And there you have the first step to perfecting the Art of Being Bored. :)

13 December 2008

Cat, I love you

I find it sweet that you
♥are playing with my space bar
♥accidentally lick me when you're cleaning yourself
♥smell of cat saliva
♥just pawed at and nibbled my hand
♥fall asleep on me every three seconds
♥let me play with the soft parts of your paws and you tail when you are asleep
♥that you are now eating my shirt.

Well I got a new cat on today and she purrrrs when I hold her like a baby with all fours in the air. Her name is Cat after the no-name cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm high on happy with love.
See? I do love someone else other than myself.

04 December 2008

Michelle's Quiz

This I think is the quiz that Michelle tried to introduce but you know how computers are...
Your rainbow is strongly shaded violet.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Your rainbow is shaded yellow.


What is says about you: You are a joyful person. You appreciate optimism. You're good at getting people to like you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Your rainbow is strongly shaded green and yellow.


What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You appreciate optimism. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You're good at getting people to like you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.


Your rainbow is shaded gray.


What is says about you: You are an elegant person. You appreciate tradition and wisdom that comes with age. You depend on modern technology and may feel uncomfortable without it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

I was bored so I did it again and the results were different...
Your rainbow is shaded red.


What is says about you: You are a passionate person. You appreciate energetic people. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

21 November 2008

Daydreaming stories

So, you write a story (recount?) about a daydream you have of someone you like (in any sense of the word like).
Just edit this post and add to the bottom.



I open my eyes and discover that I’m here again. I suppose I should describe where here is. Just give me a second so that I can come down from the euphoria I experience every time I’m here.

Ok. I’m ready.

Do you have a place that you can go to whenever you’re feeling down or you just want a little peace and quiet? It’s hard to find places like that nowadays. Especially living in a house with so many other people. So I decided to utilise my imagination for something useful. Daydreaming.

I do it a lot. It’s the only way that I don’t go crazy with all the thoughts going through my mind. It’s like a jumble of everything, running around crazily, with no sense of direction. Eventually, I don’t think I would’ve been able to think straight if I wasn’t able to come here.

And we’re back to that again. Where is here? I suppose it’s my special spot. I don’t think either of you guys would be able to imagine it, even if I tried to describe it to you. It’s unique. I’m sure that you guys all have your own unique spot. I’ll try and describe it anyway.

The first thing that you can see is a hill. It’s not a large hill, but large enough so that I can lie down comfortably and watch the clouds pass by. Another thing, the clouds are endless, no matter which way I turn, I can always see a cloud. And you should see the sun! It’s always near sunset when I get to here. And the colours on the sky are just so captivating and beautiful; it makes me wish I never had to leave.

By now, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with a daydream of someone I like. Be patient, I’m getting there.

I always arrive a few metres away from the ideal cloud watching spot, so I have a little time to walk there and lie down. Today’s different though. As I’m walking there, I notice someone’s already there, lying in the spot that’s reserved for me only. At first, I’m angry, how can they intrude on my private time? Then I remember that this is my imagination, they can’t be here without me wanting them to be.

I’m curious as to who it is. It’s like they can sense my thoughts because they sit up and look straight at me. They smile at me and I find myself smiling back. It’s hard to believe that they’re actually here. They pat the spot next to them and I lie down, holding their hand firmly in mine.

It’s amazing how comfortable it is with them here. Before I’d only been here myself, deriving comfort from the tranquility of the place, but now I found myself getting the comfort from listening to them murmur in my ear, talking about nonsensical things and watching the clouds go by together.

It’s nice.


It's my direction
It's my proposal
It's so hard
It's leading me astray

My obsession
It's my creation
You'll understand
It's not important now

All I need is
I can't imagine
My destination
My intention
Ask my opinion
But no excuse
My feelings still remain
My feelings still remain


Sky Fell Over Me
♪ Now hold on to me pretty baby
If you want to fly
I’m gonna melt the fever sugar
Rolling back your eyes

So what's it gonna take?
Silver shadow believer....
Spock rocker with your dirty eyes ♪

I’m shaken. She’s Jackie. She opened the doors to a different world and my world in shades of grey, elaborately transformed to something magical. I used to think “You are the one”. Now I just think she’s the Weather Girl. I wish we would Turn to Real Life. That’s my daydream.
She’s my RocketShip. Made away with my Elastic heart in her pocket after I whispered; “I promise you walls”.
♥ to my paper jesus.
There will be no waiting…I’m so over her
Because I want you.
(Placebo for good measure. After all, We are pilots).


Good morning imaginary constructs! -Alex Drake, Ashes to Ashes


Life is a dream from which only death awakens us.


15 November 2008

Inspirational Quotes from an Inspirational Blog

No that inspiration blog isn't us but we will soon be there!
I stumbled across this lovely collection of quotes that make be bubble and fizzle on the inside.
17 Inspirational Quotes on People Skills by Henrik Edberg
my fav: "Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight" oh ♥

13 November 2008

Racism is kicking

Some chick walked past me today and randomly goes; "Fucking asians". I almost started laughing purely because it was a stupid thing to say.

Well after a chuckle, what do you think about asian girls and different races?
My sister was in QLD a couple of months back and while she was in the bathroom, two white girls saw her and started bitching about her and asians in general. My sister, being the type to avoid fights, let this go and headed outside where she told her friend about this. Type A personality friend hhas a screaming competition with them.
Your thoughts on Racism in Australia?

06 November 2008

Polyvore Nation

Simple bud of an Idea: we use polyvore to generate an outfit, scenery or a collection of items given a theme. We then use the polyvore generated piece to write a short paragraph of creative writing associated with or inspired by the piece.
Excellent Idea from MiHo: Use the edit post function to add your pretties to the same post instead of making multiple ones!
Click to Start
To kick off:
Theme: Nerd/Geek Chic (in honor of the much too frilly SC)
Here's Mine: "Naughty Secretary"

Naughty Secretary by nancyandtoy
She enjoys toying with her boss, it puts him in a difficult position. Her co-workers often ask; "Are you free this Saturday?". She just as often replies in the negative and with a delicious swing of her hips, she is gone. She spends the day flirting with clients on the phone while searching for costume jewellery online.


Nerd Time by velvet-kiss

Molly loves maths. Ever since she was six years old she decided that she wanted to be a NASA aerodynamics engineer. Although the boys at school would never admit it they secretly loved the way she awkwardly stands by herself at the bus stop, they way she chews her pen in concentration and the light scattering of freckles on her button nose. Her favourite food is cheese and she wishes that George Gabriel Stokes was still alive.


Popular Nerd by kyuubinaru

She's hot, popular and she knows it...at least that's what she wants you to think. When she's out with friends, she's perfect. She knows her brands, she's got the right amount of bitchiness and she's great to hang around. At home, back off, she's a total nerd at heart and will murder you if you get between her and her equations.


green greenie by smackerals
Carys' one of those bloody multitasking-good-at-everything-on-the-artsy-side-of-things people. She's rubbbish at maths. But that doesn't matter. She's currently writing a novel. A songwriter too, influenced by The Beatles (minus the drugs). After all, her name means 'love' and All You Need is Love. Carys is very concerned about the state of the Earth and is actively involved in local environmental organisation.

andy by tofee apples

Meet Andy. If she wasn't too cute she could almost pass for a guy. She's bold, daring and chooses to live on the wild side of life. She'd never be caught dead in a proper dress. But sometimes her inner self shows her feminine side, when she loves nothing better than having a fabulous pair of high heel shoes and lovely lingerie. She's cool, energetic, full of action, you name it. On the other hand if you truly knew her, you'd know that Andy puts up a fierce personality to hide her fragile emotions.


In Winnie's recent definition of friends: "someone you will go out of your way to be with". I get it, you don't love horror movies but the thrill is something we all crave. We like drama and we can't live without stirring trouble so why not get this out of your system and join us in a celebration of faux horrors on a screen. No harm could possibly be done to you where characters exist on screen. If the windows start to rattle, if the telephone rings, if the radio mysteriously turns on and only static is heard, if there is a knock at the door, if there is a pattering of foosteps in the room behind us, we'll still all be together.
It is common courtesy that you join us in our celebration of all that is macabre and sweetly bloody, just as I have taken it in my stride to join you in your lovely fob gatherings.
Date: 21st Friday. Where we'll travel with the host to her house after school.
Film: Nightmare on Elm Street (though this is flexible with any choices you might have)
Comment if you're interested in coming!
With ♥ and blood lust.

05 November 2008


(you won Jess!)

04 November 2008

Tool: "Hush"

One message, not that you'd care: Fuck You.

Just Kidding.

03 November 2008


Ok. This is in response to jess's previous two posts. I visited urban dictionary and found this.. its pretty sweet

True friendship is not when you go to school and hang around with someone just because you have no one else to chill with.
Its not calling someone up when your bored because they are fun to talk to but because you want to.
Its not when you cant think of a birthday gift and end up buying your friend a wal-mart gift card.
Is not when you have to talk to someone about something you don't particularly care about (like how much snow we got last year) to avoid an awkward silence.
Friendship is when you love someone with every ounce of your being and genuinely want them to be happy even if it means sacrificing something your self to make them happy.
A true friend is someone you can talk to about your feelings, someone you can tell things you could never tell your family or even your partner.
They are someone who you don't have to talk to but someone you want to talk to; someone you will go out of your way to be with.
Friendship is when you love someone so much you want to hold them and never let go, someone you want to rest your head on and cry, and you would let them cry on you too.
Its someone you can talk to about things you disagree on and end up being closer for that disagreement.
Its when you think about someone and how close you are to them and how much you love them and you smile and are happy all over.
Friendship is when your love for someone exceeds your need for them.

Just something I thought of...

Oh yeah..just wanted to say that this is dedicated to Vicki..it's meant to be her 'prize' for guessing the changes correctly..so yeah.

I dreamed a dream today.

It was just me again, lying in the grass, staring at the clouds. Somehow I knew that this dream would be different from the ones that I’d had before. But right now, everything looked the same. It was still just me, lying in the grass, staring at the clouds. It wasn’t until I felt someone, rather some people lay down next to me that I realised what was different.

I wasn’t alone this time.

They all turned to smile at me and I gave them a gentle smile of my own. Their presence seemed to resonate throughout my soul and I could feel the beginnings of a large smile on my lips. The ten of us lay on the grass, staring at the clouds, sometimes pointing at some cloud shaped object and asking each other what we could see. I stayed quiet, content to listen to them ramble on about nonsensical things, until someone elbowed me, signaling that they’d asked me a question. I cocked my head to the side and asked them what the question was. They pointed to the lone cloud in the sky.

“What do you think it looks like?”

I looked at the fluffy, white blob, trying to decipher what it could possible represent. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when I noticed everyone looking at me expectantly that I realised what it was. I chuckled to myself and flopped back on the grass. Everyone sighed and did the same.

“It’s friendship.”

And at that moment, we all understood that this was what friendship was. Being able to feel at ease in each other’s company, being able to express what we wanted without fear that someone would laugh. This was friendship. Total and unconditional love for each other.

And I realised that I never wanted to wake up from this dream.

02 November 2008

Interesting Definitions

Ok..this idea was spawned from Shelley who told me to look up Asian on Urban Dictionary.

a) person who is from a eastern oriental country such as China, Japan, or Korea. Asians are usually smart and have the following aspects although not limited to:
1. straight A's
2. strict parents
3. good at Math and Science
4. superb SAT and ACT scores
5. Ivy League college oriented
6. some can break dance and rap
7. good at video games
8. generally dominates at anything they set out to do

b) the race with the hottest girls.

c) a person who is more advanced and sees in widescreen hi-def, this makes asians good snipers. this is also why Jackie Chan can see anybody coming at him.

d) A race where a majority of them are intelligent. People who call them nerds are just sad that they get fucked up grades when Asians get A's and B's. Like all races, there are ugly people, with ugly Asians probably being the most grotesque. But the pretty Asians look the prettiest in contrast. They are the ones who invented the best of everything, like cell phones, cars, computers, etc.

e)The epitome of perfect hotness
None can compare
Hail the asians for their superiority and we also produce the cutest babies. Especially if they are mixed.
We Pwn all.
Excel at everything,
All your bases are belong to us.

So after getting laughs from the retarded definitions on this site..I decided why the heck don't I search up our names and see what turns up (Michelle..I've already been through this with you, but bear with me) So alphabetically (just so you know, i didn't write any of these..so if you take offence to them..it's not my fault!! But i'll try to soften the blow by putting nice ones as well as not so nice ones):

a) a young, beautiful, sophisticated woman who is confident in all that she does.
b) A very cool person! Generally rocks and has very gorgeous hair and a gud style. Many friends, a HOTTIE!
c) a paticurly nice cheese sandwich
d) A random peice of hair that often falls into your face at inconvenient times.
e) Humorous nickname to a male who is acting like woman.

a) slang term for a highly attractive and sexually intriguing individual.
b) The mos beautiful person in the world. Often referred to as a Goddess. Has eyes that one can easily get lost in. A great friend that cares about people and makes the world a better place. Easy to love too.
c) A person who says totally inapropriate things to other people, especially people called david. She is renound for making sexual references constantly.
d) To do something stupid, i.e walk into a lamppost, burn the carpet etc
e) The ability to write 8 pages in only 2 hours.

a) a name of a fine ass chick ever
b) Someone, often male, who exhibits weakness, femininity, spinelessness, low pain tolerance, and/or a general lack of a man card. Eunices often whine, complain, cry, and make up lame excuses for being unable to cowboy up.
c) applies mainly to woman, the crazy voice in the back of your head that makes you rationalize unrational acts when feeling rejected by the opposite sex.
d) being inside of a place compiled of walls all around you.
e) A girl's name; which in Greek means "Happy Victory".

a) A girl who likes to steal other people's boyfriends. Sleeps around, but often gets rejected lots.
b) Jessica is one of the coolest people ever! jessica's are one of the most prettiest people ever and they are sooo smart!
c) some one not afraid to piss any where or on anyone.
d) a jessica is a male that is trapped in a womans body. all jessicas have secret identities as being men in their past/post life.
e) the act of sleeping with muliple amount of male species; can also mean saying "i love you" after two weeks of dating.

a) Flirtatious and Having astounding sex appeal by nature. Attention whore. Gregarious and very social.
b) one who is amazingly concieted and very crazy. Michelle's tend to be a little out there but that is what makes them so loveable. they are also nymphos.
c) A gorgeous girl who is very sweet and funny. Likes to change her hair a lot.
d) A disgustingly conceited man who pretends to be a woman. If indeed a woman usually attracted to the same sex.
e) She is smart, nice, and funny and her name is synonomous for "everything nice".

a) Tiffany is a name given to mostly American girls, it became popular during the early 1980s. The stereotype that comes with the name is a sexy cheerleader type, or sexy girl.
b) She is attracted to skater-fags and hangs out with a relatively outgoing group of girls. She likes to drown herself in her music and typically hates life. She's extremely energetic. When she's happy, you know it. If she's depressed.. just stare at her.. she'll get mad/happy.. JUST DO IT, you'll see.. It's like when you tickle any girl.. they get mad and tell you to stop, while they're still laughing.
c) to be skinny in adolesence and suddenly become obese
d) Retard, idiot, does stupid things, trips over nothing
e) A sexy girl, usually blonde or brunette, whom is outgoing but sometimes shy

a) A person of this name are usually Gemini with split personalities. A quiet and gentle side sometimes over shadowed by a Angelica like playful personality.
b) The act of sexing up an overly confident person.
c) A male dressed in female clothing. This person can often be seen stopping cars to flash drivers and blowing seductive kisses in the way of dogs.
d) Someone who believes that the whole world revolves around them and does not realise that they have no life.
e) Someone who likes to eat shit from their toilet. Caution is advised when talking to someone with this name as their breath is horrible.

a) An extremely sexy person, who is known to be promiscuous.
b) One of the many types of widely distributed indigenious horny mammals native to southwest britain, northeast cambodia, central Africa, Sub Saharan deserts, mines of Australia, tombs of Egypt, caves of India and university residences.
c) Someone who secretly likes to flash people
d) A big fat ball of human jelly that has to rolled from one place to another. Friends with this person must have a lot of stamina because they have to constantly roll this ball around.
e) Someone who likes to play with themselves.

a) The name given to female children so they might one day look up the meaning and see that it means "victor" so they eventually turn into nasty little spoiled brats.
b) Really Really Asian.
c) a simple accident, or event that leads to pain. An experience that leads to stress or frustration. A stupid, yet laughable situation in life.
d) pretty much the most awesome person you will ever hope to meet. many people try to be as ballin as victoria but in many cases do not succeed. victorias are pretty awesome and pretty much the greatest thing since...there basically goddesses and are super gorgeous!
e) In Ireland, this is a name givin to someone that makes you laugh alot.

a) Someone who tries to make people laugh but fails.
b) Someone who can't keep their fingers out of their 'honeypot'
c) Calm and beautiful, this person represents the serenity in your life.
d) Someone who jumps around a lot without stopping. May seem strange to those around her.
e) Someone who makes violent hand gestures that threaten to damage your eyes.

Well I hope you enjoyed reading these as much as I enjoyed it!

01 November 2008

♥this song

Dear Sugar Buns: Relationships

Some of us really need to read this (well me, but it would be nice if everyone read this). I'm serious.
Emphasis on the third and last point.
How to Improve Your Relationships

Battle !?

Anyway to continue to make this tournament fair, Winnie and Shelley shall have a rematch- against each other. At the same time, Vicki vs Eunice will take place! Please vote (fairly!)! ;)

edit: oooh the polls aren't displaying, so if anyone could edit this post to include them the battle can be underway!
Lee: If anyone wants to add polls in future, you have to finish making the poll, on the side there's an option for flash poll. Select that and copy html.

30 October 2008

Kris Kringle

I think it'd be easier if we all told each other what we want for christmas..this way we don't have to snoop around and ask other people..lol

So I'll go first..although I've told everybody..

I want a remote controlled car! :)

Virtues...what virtues?

You Scored as Temperance

Temperance- with you is great patience, a calmness that affects all around you.



You Scored as Faith

Faith- with you is the strength of God.









29 October 2008


You Scored as Hope

Hope- with you are the dreams of the trust that is given by those you are with.

Hope 68%
Prudence 64%
Temperance 61%
Fortitude 57%
Justice 54%
Charity 46%
Faith 46%

Seven Not-so-deadly Virtues

You Scored as Prudence
Prudence- with you are good judgement and a sharp mind.

Prudence 75%
Fortitude 64%
Hope 54%
Charity 54%
Temperance 46%
Justice 43%
Faith 14%

Note: it may look long but it took me a couple of minutes

Seven Heavenly Virtues Quiz

An Idea ^^ the third one ><

Wth is it called an idea.. its so weird .. anyhow due to jess and shelley's demands i have to do this ^^ ok .. this is gonna be hard. everyone kinda has the same opinions of each other but lets try to word this differently so it seems that it's totally different. Oh and i have to have proper sentences ><

I havent had a proper conversation with you however you seem like you are a good listener. I found out we do have something in common i.e Torchwood. You seem like a sweet person and a great friend to have. Hopefully our understanding of each other and friendship will grow over the next two years

My four year science buddy. You're a great friend to have. Always so cheerful, studious and a great listener. I love our science questions. You're a trustworthy friend and a caring one. My mother from school ^^ You care about my homework, my assignment and my sleeping habits. Everytime you pop online to tremind me about these things my heart warms up. I love your spontaneous questions and your weird comments *coughcoldattitudecough*

You're a fantastic friend to have. Lessons with you are never a bore. You stand there without struggling when i hug you . You're aggro however only sometimes. We'v made many valuable memories which i will treasure for life. You're funny and such a mysterious girl ( i still want to meet your brother and dog!!) You hardly ever hit, smack or kick me and im happy about that because in my opinion that's your sign of affection no matter what other people say.

You're a caring person with a cold facade but a warm heart. (i used a big word.. facade) You constantly help *coughteasecough* me with my spelling and my English. You make tutor less of a chore. Your dirty and quick mind makes me laugh and gives me headaches. Your chivalry and personality is something i admire and your hair is hot.

Hm.. i haven't talked to you for awhile but you seem like such a nice person to talk to. Talking with you is great we could talk about endless nothings. Silence is no longer awkward. Reminiscing year seven and hoping we can do that sometime again. You seem like a organized person and not afraid to jig class,

You're a great listener. You a great to joke around with hardly get offended and you do laugh at my retarded comments. You go out of your way to research stuff concerning me and worry about me. You keep things i tell you a secret and in turn help me solve the problem. Your sarcastic personality is funny. You cold side kicks in, in the morning which is great meaning people wont talk as much because they're scared therefore ensuring a silent and peaceful walk to boring school.

You are studious person who is very organized. You are adorable and cute. You are kind and sharing. You're fun to be around and silences are fine.I'm hoping to turn you into a fob but that'll have to wait.

You're an interesting person and conversations with you are never boring. You're a smart person and your smile is warming. Every morning i look forward to your greeting which is bubbly and happy. You're nice and seem like a very deep person.

You're a very bubbly and nice friend. Your absence is terrible though we hope you're having a great time in Japan. Your songs are missed which im shocked to admit. You give people a welcoming feeling. Your hugs are nice and you're adorable. You're enthusiastic about everything which is infectious.

You're a great person with great taste in music and in guys. However being to close to Shelley has caused you to be more vain and narcissistic.

lol thats the end of my post.. sorry its a bit weird .. hope you enjoyed it.. and i didnt offend anyone ^^ and i wont miss shelley's mount everests


Hey guys, just want to say that I'm officially forfeiting from the 'Hot Guys Tournament'. Obviously you know that I've been cheating and only now do I think that it's unfair for me to do this. So..yeah, I'm going to forfeit from the competition, leaving Vicki to move forward into the next round..

I just want to say sorry to Winnie and Shelley because I think they would have won if I hadn't cheated..so maybe you guys can go back to them later?

So yeah....

28 October 2008

Following Shelley's post of: Projections..etc

Where I would like to be in my late-twenties:

- first thing that come to mind, married. Married to someone who loves me for who I am and in return I love them too.
- I'd like to have my first child somewhere around this time. :)
- Finished my uni course..hopefully. I'm into psychology right now..
- Got a stable job which I love..hopefully not too much paperwork..bleh boring!
- I'd like to have been around the world at least once.
- I'd like to have friends who are all unique but we all at least have something in common
- I'd like to have a pet dog
- I'd like to live somewhere when I can watch the sun rise, look at clouds, watch the sun set and look at the stars.
- I'd want to own a sports car and a motorbike.
- I'd want to be past all my first time experiences: first kiss, first sexual partner, first alcholic drink etc..

Sorry, can't think of anything else...so I guess no brownie points for me..

btw Shelley..Winnie's kinda disappointed that you're going to get rid of your 'mount everests'

The Idea again...

My turn! Sorry I'm so general. Being nice was hard..being mean and aggro is so much easier. You guys should try it sometime!

Alice: haven’t talked to her much..if at all. But uhh, she looks like a pretty nice person. She looks like the kind of girl who could just listen to you talk on and on about everything and nothing in general.

Emily: even though she and I clash like the sun and moon (although shelley is supposed to be the sun, bear with me) she's a sweet and lovable girl. Whenever I see her, i just get this urge to go up to her and give her a big hug and several squeezes to her cheeks. And she smiles at me when I'm staring at her..others just look away..so you get a gold star!

Eunice: well..she manages to put up with the craziness in our group without seeming too damaged..so she's alright in my book. Also I've seen her hit Winnie so that's another point..lol. But seriously, although I've never talked much to her, she seems like a pretty funny person that's prone to violence sometime.. :)

Michelle: Ahh Michelle, she has a pretty infectious laugh. It's loud, it's boisterous, but it bloody makes me want to laugh along with her. It amazes me sometimes how she can just laugh at nothing sometimes and I guess that's what makes her special.

Shelley: She has a dark sarcastic sense of humour that I adore. She annoys the heck out of Vicki and that's cool with me! I love how random she can be sometimes..like reading an email that she sent me..which i had to read several times and i still didn't get it in the end..but yeah, she's random, she's sarcastic, but i sure as hell love to elbow her boobs!

Tiffany: One day I'll show her that she actually really adores me! lol. But yeah, she's cute and easy to be around with. I get a kick out of staring at her because she turns away nervously instead of staring back. She's a great person to hang out with and I think she'd be the type of person who would be willing to sit in silence without trying to make conversation. Awesome.

Vicki: Sometimes she knows just what to say to make me smile...she's dirty minded enough to know what I'm trying to insinuate half the time, but I still think that she cheated in that quiz. I love looking up at her and sending her a smile before looking away because I know that she'll send one back.

Victoria: She's definately sweet in a cute and cuddly way. She's understanding and a great friend to be around. She can be friends with anyone because of her caring attitude towards anyone. She doesn't judge and thinks things through before going through with anything.

Winnie: I guess she's an all-rounder. She's pretty nice, pretty dirty minded, pretty sarcastic, pretty aggro, and pretty pretty. lol. She can bounce back from things pretty easily and she puts up with Shelley pretty well..so that's good!

All in all, we're a group because we have something in common.

We're all pathetic..well I know I am, anyone want to join??

Projection, Setting Goals and Planning Ahead

Another flash, another lightbulb floating above my head!
The task is to describe where you would like to be in the future in your perfect world and circumstances. I say mid-twenties by default but if you like, you could be any age.
Details are diamonds obviously!
To kick off:

Where I would like to be in my mid-twenties:
♦well into my university education of some sort presuming that I’ve gotten the UAI enough for the course I’m after (which is a secret just in case I change my mind)
♦somewhere around here I’d be in London or some other frilly city where nobody bumps into people they know
♦I’d have grown colorful interests, eclectic and eccentric
♦have a circle of those who were somewhat like me but their own strange self
♦a larger wardrobe of mainly black
♦an excellent part-time job that’s “interesting” to say the least ;)
♦exercising (I promise myself, although I don’t know how long I will remember this)
♦finished a photography course
♦own a cat (or more) and I’d walk it!
♦have an Aloe Vera plant, a gardenia plant and a climber
♦continue to be fickle in every aspect
♦have had experimented with various (strange?) haircuts (one day I tell you, Betty bangs). Maybe even synth dreads haha
♦well groomed, well read, fluent speech and less confuddlements
♦still writing, keeping track in a diary or some blog form
♦be able to control blushing
♦tattoos!!!!! Obviously, everywhere. (it’s the only thing worth saving my body for!)
♦rent a beau-terrific terrace somewhere dear the city with a fascinating roommate
♦I’d have long learnt how to avoid hitting my head everywhere
♦I’d be familiar with Sydney’s social scene unless I somehow develop into a hobbit/hermit (not a dancer, a sit-and-chat-to-strangers person)
♦I’d actually use my phone. Oh yes. Scary thought huh.
…did I mention that before then I would have liked to experiment with everything?

Your turn sugars! Longer lists get brownie points ♥

27 October 2008

The Idea Cont. by Lee

Okay well the idea you already know the details so onwards:
(Oh and I typed this out too many times and then found it applied to all of you: so many people are just vying for your affection!)

Alice: she makes me think of ballerinas with their hair down who dream of meadows. She dresses like Alice in Wonderland, bow-tastic, bit vintage & always lovely. True, I don't talk to you much but you are a cutesy one (esp. when she giggles in embarrassment and goes this mellow cherry blossom pink).

Emily: oh she has a way I tell you! A way to bring out the best in everyone, click with everyone and make people smile. It is absolutely impossible to stay mad at this doll. Major bonus: she's embarrassed about her magical hair which is actually one of her assets (even though I may tease you occasionally). Did I mention naturally academically focused?

Eunicorn: obviously I'm in love with your name. So many variations; everything from eunuch to eunicycle. Your taste is ♥. It makes me ecstatic that you don't mind the random crapulations that come out of my mouth-hole. Michelle is right: funny and electic. Split-second euphoria when you get affectionate! hint hint!

Jessica (or Ch**, or Chow, or Jess, or Jay Ch**, or Sick 'em Rex!): is something like a ying and yang symbol. The two major lovable sides; the hyperloving and the dominating. Determined and strong minded yet scared of horror movies. This idea of someone who's hard ;) and a softie concurrently (haha four syllables!) is who she's developed into. Me likey.

Michelle: she doesn't complain when you call her MiHo so you know what to do! Ahh... in my plan for world domination, she will be the Cheney/Howard to by Bush except that we will succeed unlike Bush. Or maybe I'm the Cheney/Howard to her Bush? She makes me giggle and she excites me with her suggestions ( of comspiracy, not in that way you dirty minded person! tsk tsk!).

Tiffany: she's a fobf (fob fan) and I still love her. That speaks volumes on its own! Perhaps even more determined than Jessica and still shy. If I were French I'd say she was adorable in that thick accent that I covet. She's Precious. My preciousssss-ss!

Vicki: I'm sorry who? Oh the girl who always laughs at my gibberish and encourages free flow of confuddling sweetness. She could click with anyone too (well of her choosing). Vicki/winnie/victoria/jessica is an artsy, intelligent (although she likes to pretend otherwise) growing investment (if you know what I mean!)

Victoria: we realised something terrible the other day. While we were packing the xmas boxes, we realised we didn't have enough. Now I hate to sound cheesy but you left a gap there and it hasn't been filled so COME BACK you BUM! She's sweetness itself and possibly the most interesting person I've talked to when it comes to religion and family. "Smoooth Criminal..." stole our hearts and fled to Japan.

Winnie: you'd have to cut her slack for the teasing she puts up with but even then she can laugh it off. I ♥ that she shares similar views on most people ("I wonder if her make up runs" bwahaha). She always manages to pop up whenever I'm in deep chocolate coloured stuff that smells horrid and doesn't taste very nice. Also ♥ her fickle nature (it's a good thing)!

(**= secret)
So thank you all!
You're all sincerely ♥d.
Esp. you for reading this post!

btw. You are mistaken if you think that I don't love people more than I love myself. If you ask I'll deny it though ;)
It's our little secret!

An Idea

Alright, so we have this idea of each person creating a post where we post a positive analysis about everyone in the group. Just figured out that there can never be enough love to spread around! So what you do is, write everybody's name in alphabetical order and begin from there!
The idea of this excercise is to boost your ego seeing as many teenage girls suffer from lack thereof and it is such a horrible thing when they don't realise what they've got.

Alice- Pretty much perfect. She's so nice, cute, cuddly, selfless, charitable, polite. Comfortable to be around, fun to be around, and I love whispering nonsensical phrases to her. She'll just sit forward, listen and whisper back sweet nothings back in your ear.

Emily- One of the most caring, considerate and friendly people I've ever met. I always feel like I can begin a conversation with her. I respect her in many ways one of the most important being that she will stick to her morals and values and won't be persuaded by just anyone. It takes guts to do that.

Eunice- I still haven't had a proper conversation with Eunice before but boy she seems funny, electic and possesses really good taste in men. Like, British men! I think she and I share the same interests in Henry Cavill and Harry Lloyd. :)

Jessica- She's so funny, protective and has just the right degree of rudeness to make me laugh! A sweet person underneath the armour. Oh yeah, and I like it when she surprises me with her movie tastes, like Sex and the City and the Duchess. I'm always thinking, wtf, really?

Shelley- She's like my dark half. Which is a good thing, I assure you! She's able to persuade me to try out new music and is a good conspiratorial buddy! ;) Personality wise, I am always in awe of her quick wit and her different views on ordinary things. Also, your skin is perfect, just perfect.

Tiffany- Cute. She's easy to be around, so so smart (her essays!), shares my Gossip Girl interest and actually squeels!, and has very nice taste in boys. (Maxxie, Eddie Redmayne, do you like Chuck?, and others which we'd find out in the future, I'm sure).

Vicki- A brilliant person. I'm always comfortable around her, we can talk about anything, she has the same retarded humour as me and has such soft skin. Adorable!

Victoria- I love it when she goes class to class singing or humming tunes to herself. Her smile is so friendly and open, she's a fantastic mathematician and dedicated enough in her interest in Japanese to abandon wonderful Australia for Japan! She is a kind, modest person and everyone should have a person like Victoria in their lives!

Winnie- I think her levels of caring and compassionate-ness are very high. She's concerned when you have troubles, so fun to have a laugh with, one of those people who cram but pull off brilliant marks, and someone who I have sweet memories of year 7 with. :)

23 October 2008

Seven Deadly Sins






Lust:Very Low


Discover Your Sins - Click Here

my lust is low ^^ and envy .. arent i a good girl ?

Battle Three

Ooh, now for the third match of this exciting tournament! It's between Vicki's diverse range of handsomeness and Jessica's gods with perfect bodies. Vote now!


Okay, so here goes, some guys you might know, some you don't, or most.

I think I shall start with my all time favourite:

He's a stripper from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. So yeah, Michelle, Florida is where I want to live for the culture!

Isn't that smile to die for? Wonder what he's suggesting

I like gymnasts.

And... twins who are gymnasts.

You could play join the dots with Jensen's freckles! And green eyes are gorgeous! And he chews on his pens too! I mean it's sorta disgusting when I do it, but not when he does?

And Tyson Beckford! Yum! :)

Battle Two Winner

The results are in... and Jessica has risen in triumph yet again! But how will her brave models fare against Vicki's mystery men? Get ready!

Btw Shelley, Alice and I appreciated your post, well, Adrien Brody. ;)

22 October 2008

Wrath has done me in..

Wrath:Very High
Envy:Very High
Pride:Very High

Discover Your Sins - Click Here


21 October 2008

Help: Rock Lyrics

I actually need help to find 10 songs (appropriate for class) that are rock and preferably have good lyrics.
Its for english class by the way so... unfortunately I couldn't give my teacher the lyrics of "sick sick sick" by Queens of the Stone Age even though I'm completely in love with it seeing as it has the lyrics; "You know what we want is,Candy to cum too."
So far I have: Wonderwall by Oasis, Vicarious and Lateralus by Tool.

Here's mine. What's yours?

Greed:Very High

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

20 October 2008

Battle Two

We're back for the second round of the much anticipated second round! The competition is fierce as muscly diaper wearing guys are versing a range of talented actors and musicians with interesting appearances! Vote now!

Battle One Winner!

The winner of Jessica vs Winnie was Jessica's men! I guess muscular underwear models suit everyone's tastes better than cute little Asian boys! Anyway make way for Shelley's entry coming up next!

17 October 2008

Of those who put the bounce in my step

The sugar to my cupcake:
I thought it may be more interesting if I had a little caption for each person so you knew part of the reason why I like them so much. Oh and seeing as my boys list was quite short I decided to include girls too. By the way they are in no particular order!

Adrien Brody:

From his perfect face (not typically attractive) and his lovely bod. What more can be expressed in words? Only the fact that he's an amazing actor! Watch the Pianist!

Brian Molko (Placebo):

While it isn't the most flattering picture of his face (yes he can be even BETTER looking), it's his body that makes this pictureperfect. Oh and its actually a picture of some dude holding the Magazine (Eros?. Perfect voice. Melting. I could go on...

Mat Devine & Jonathan Radtke (Kill Hannah):

Um.. Mat: Unique voice. Here I could make some terrible pun about his being just devine but I'll refrain. He's the one in the middle. Some years ago when I got my hair cut with the front long...yeah i stole (borrowed/took/got my muse) from Jonathan. Or tried to anyway.

Brody Dale (the Distillers & Spinnerette):
I just had to include two pictures.

Ohh and bonus: she licks things :)

The Birthday Massacre :

I'm sorry this has turned into a sort of band thing but gosh not one of them I wouldn't stutter and go gaga over.

Carah Faye Charnow:

She's the girl with the very short mini. It is so sad that she's no longer in Shiny Toy Guns.

Crispin Glover:

What is there not to like? So wonderfully creepy and beautiful.
In the case that the picture does not show go here:

Jonathan Rhys Meyers:
I stumbled across this photo and wow. Just wow.

Then I found out he was an actor as well as a muscly model. Which may be a bonus but msucles?!...

Obviously i liek the first picture more =D

Richard Gere:
HAha. This is here because I thought I'd like to suprise you. As a fairly "normal" child I liked him and he looked like this:

Noel Fielding:

Well you know how I feel seeing as how I do go on.

Dani Filth (Cradle of Filth):

Joan Jett:

Even though she's 50 now.

Dita and Marilyn:

Tim Minchin & others:
would be here because he just makes me laugh so much but if I had put photos of all the people who made me laugh boy that wouldn't be a competition would it? Besides we aren't judging by personality -.-
OH and the funny list would include richard brautigan and well... you know

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