08 November 2009


So in Physics today we were discussing how technological advances were made mostly due to war and the desire to kill things (yadda yadda yeah I know. Let's not argue) and then somehow we started talking about SARS.

and my teacher said; "for...birth control?"

03 November 2009


So I was doing English homework which related to philosophy (to be more exact, authenticity) and came across this.

I think its interesting. And if we were all to take advice from that article, we'd all be more interesting, attractive people. Wouldn't that be nice?

And yes. I was doing English homework D:

08 November 2009


So in Physics today we were discussing how technological advances were made mostly due to war and the desire to kill things (yadda yadda yeah I know. Let's not argue) and then somehow we started talking about SARS.

and my teacher said; "for...birth control?"

03 November 2009


So I was doing English homework which related to philosophy (to be more exact, authenticity) and came across this.

I think its interesting. And if we were all to take advice from that article, we'd all be more interesting, attractive people. Wouldn't that be nice?

And yes. I was doing English homework D:

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