07 March 2010


I'm bored. So I find myself here. There is absolutely nothing left to do on the internet. Though I shouldn't be on here anyway, since I'm only a quarter of the way through my 12 page notes. Joy!

I'm hungry and can't be bothered to go downstairs, so I've stuffed my face with pringles and I'm beginning to suspect that they put drugs or something in them because I seriously can't stop eating them. *munch munch*

Dream job:
I want to be one of those dudes who sit around test games to check if they work. So seriously, for the whole day I'd just play games. How awesome. My eyes would start to fail, but heck who cares, gaming for a living. How cool. And if my parents go, wtf do you keep playing games for, FOR ONCE I CAN SAY I'M WORKING! Mwahahahahaha.. =)

Well that or...chef and open my own restaurant. If only I could cook. But yeah, for people to come in and eat food that I've prepared and love it, YES LOVE IT, would be awesome. =) But slightly stressful..hmm..

Ooh! I'd also like to see what being a butler is like..because they look so freaking cool. Like in The Nanny, and Batman. :D

I have no filter for either my mouth or my actions, and I only have a few things that I'm against...like stealing, underage drinking (though not that much...), smoking, drugs, blah blah blah, stuff that society and teachers have pointed at and said 'this is a no no. bad jessica bad'. but yeah, can't really concentrate, listening to Bel's insanely loud music (she's playing Down) and listening to my own, hardcore guitar battle, and it sounds really weird.

But I guess in a way my actions are limited by my inhibitions. You wouldn't find me doing drugs, smoking or stealing or any of that 'bad' stuff. I'm a good clean girl. (insert angel face)

I don't have to ask a question as well do I? I suck at asking questions.

So back to studying I go... and good luck everyone! It's tomorrow. It starts! THAT-WHICH-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED!! ..no more Harry Potter for me..

Love, Jess



07 March 2010


I'm bored. So I find myself here. There is absolutely nothing left to do on the internet. Though I shouldn't be on here anyway, since I'm only a quarter of the way through my 12 page notes. Joy!

I'm hungry and can't be bothered to go downstairs, so I've stuffed my face with pringles and I'm beginning to suspect that they put drugs or something in them because I seriously can't stop eating them. *munch munch*

Dream job:
I want to be one of those dudes who sit around test games to check if they work. So seriously, for the whole day I'd just play games. How awesome. My eyes would start to fail, but heck who cares, gaming for a living. How cool. And if my parents go, wtf do you keep playing games for, FOR ONCE I CAN SAY I'M WORKING! Mwahahahahaha.. =)

Well that or...chef and open my own restaurant. If only I could cook. But yeah, for people to come in and eat food that I've prepared and love it, YES LOVE IT, would be awesome. =) But slightly stressful..hmm..

Ooh! I'd also like to see what being a butler is like..because they look so freaking cool. Like in The Nanny, and Batman. :D

I have no filter for either my mouth or my actions, and I only have a few things that I'm against...like stealing, underage drinking (though not that much...), smoking, drugs, blah blah blah, stuff that society and teachers have pointed at and said 'this is a no no. bad jessica bad'. but yeah, can't really concentrate, listening to Bel's insanely loud music (she's playing Down) and listening to my own, hardcore guitar battle, and it sounds really weird.

But I guess in a way my actions are limited by my inhibitions. You wouldn't find me doing drugs, smoking or stealing or any of that 'bad' stuff. I'm a good clean girl. (insert angel face)

I don't have to ask a question as well do I? I suck at asking questions.

So back to studying I go... and good luck everyone! It's tomorrow. It starts! THAT-WHICH-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED!! ..no more Harry Potter for me..

Love, Jess


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