22 March 2010

Its about reaching out of your comfort zone

The other day my dusty attic had one of those lightbulb moments and it went something like this:
- I don't like some aspects of other people
- They say you are annoyed by some traits that other people have because you also have them
- So the more I accept when it comes to other people, the more I will accept myself?

This is how it started:

Now I love to praise myself so I couldn't help but say: gosh I don't even listen to pop and now I'm listening to... KPOP?!?! This really is like the Sun rising from the South.

and then shockandhorror...this hit me:

(゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン I know. It's hard to believe I have a thing for gender benders. Kidding.
Look. He's even promoting our waffles. Must be fate.

I'll probably end up trying something like this:
I prefer artificial beauty. Then again, there's a reason for that white lighting. You can't see the shape of her nose. And she's already modified her eyes and skin.



I know these phases are short lived though. I can't wait to go back to this:

or wait...I was considered this?

The thing you least expect? I'm doing that next (゚Д゚)

Oh and in response to : 'Are your actions heavily restricted by your inhibitions?'
Yes. I think. I act accordingly. And also; Yes I'm menstruating 24/7 and gosh that MUST be the reason (you think) I'm being unreasonable. I don't know where that came from. I guess my answer is sometimes then.

(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ


22 March 2010

Its about reaching out of your comfort zone

The other day my dusty attic had one of those lightbulb moments and it went something like this:
- I don't like some aspects of other people
- They say you are annoyed by some traits that other people have because you also have them
- So the more I accept when it comes to other people, the more I will accept myself?

This is how it started:

Now I love to praise myself so I couldn't help but say: gosh I don't even listen to pop and now I'm listening to... KPOP?!?! This really is like the Sun rising from the South.

and then shockandhorror...this hit me:

(゚ー゚)(。_。)ウンウン I know. It's hard to believe I have a thing for gender benders. Kidding.
Look. He's even promoting our waffles. Must be fate.

I'll probably end up trying something like this:
I prefer artificial beauty. Then again, there's a reason for that white lighting. You can't see the shape of her nose. And she's already modified her eyes and skin.



I know these phases are short lived though. I can't wait to go back to this:

or wait...I was considered this?

The thing you least expect? I'm doing that next (゚Д゚)

Oh and in response to : 'Are your actions heavily restricted by your inhibitions?'
Yes. I think. I act accordingly. And also; Yes I'm menstruating 24/7 and gosh that MUST be the reason (you think) I'm being unreasonable. I don't know where that came from. I guess my answer is sometimes then.

(^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ

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