20 January 2009

The Bright Side

Wonderfully charming man that I just want to bear hug talks about life:

"Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you still end up among the stars."


marshmellow_cheeks said...

Oh, Shelley! I adore that quote! And I adore you for sharing motivational stuff! :)

I have a little book of motivational quotes that I read when I'm feeling down.

My favourite would be:

"Do the thing you said you would do... well after the mood you said it in has gone"

It's all well and good to make grand plans, but we gotta act on them. It's easy to slip back into your old life, slip back into your old habits that aren't serving you well anymore. But you gotta commit to your new life, and stick with it.

20 January 2009

The Bright Side

Wonderfully charming man that I just want to bear hug talks about life:

"Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you still end up among the stars."

1 comment:

marshmellow_cheeks said...

Oh, Shelley! I adore that quote! And I adore you for sharing motivational stuff! :)

I have a little book of motivational quotes that I read when I'm feeling down.

My favourite would be:

"Do the thing you said you would do... well after the mood you said it in has gone"

It's all well and good to make grand plans, but we gotta act on them. It's easy to slip back into your old life, slip back into your old habits that aren't serving you well anymore. But you gotta commit to your new life, and stick with it.


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