13 December 2008

Cat, I love you

I find it sweet that you
♥are playing with my space bar
♥accidentally lick me when you're cleaning yourself
♥smell of cat saliva
♥just pawed at and nibbled my hand
♥fall asleep on me every three seconds
♥let me play with the soft parts of your paws and you tail when you are asleep
♥that you are now eating my shirt.

Well I got a new cat on today and she purrrrs when I hold her like a baby with all fours in the air. Her name is Cat after the no-name cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm high on happy with love.
See? I do love someone else other than myself.


Mish said...

Aw! I shall have to visit Cat one day. How utterly loverly.

Stella said...
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13 December 2008

Cat, I love you

I find it sweet that you
♥are playing with my space bar
♥accidentally lick me when you're cleaning yourself
♥smell of cat saliva
♥just pawed at and nibbled my hand
♥fall asleep on me every three seconds
♥let me play with the soft parts of your paws and you tail when you are asleep
♥that you are now eating my shirt.

Well I got a new cat on today and she purrrrs when I hold her like a baby with all fours in the air. Her name is Cat after the no-name cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm high on happy with love.
See? I do love someone else other than myself.


Mish said...

Aw! I shall have to visit Cat one day. How utterly loverly.

Stella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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