02 October 2010

Day 7: 10 Important People

So I don’t hurt anyone this is in alphabetical order. If you’rea bit out.. then I bored of singing that rhyme.

<3 Alice, your fashion is quirky and always interesting.

<3 Chau, because she's always there for me even at 2am and she is very considerate and caring

<3 Em, she is so down to earth its refreshing. Though i'm worrying if she caught the wrong bus or woke up late is something to be concerned about. Take better care of yourself dear.

<3 Eunice, she's so different from me but she's so interesting to talk to

<3 Mish, my personal paparazzi (*coughstalkercough*), i don't think going out with friends will ever be the same again ^^ Talking with her is always so easy

<3 Shelley, because her opinion is always truthful even though at times it hurts. Also, who else am i going to pig out with in frees and talk about random stuff with ???

<3 Tiff, my personal tester of pick up lines. Creeping her out is fun because she is so adorable.

<3 Tree, whenever i'm behind with work or just plain lost i can always count on her to help me back on track.

<3 Vicki, the one who makes the prettiest desserts. Yummy ~~

<3 Victoria, she's caring and takes time to do things for her friends. Thanks for driving me home the other night love. It's nice to have her by my side because she reminds me to be the best i can be, like her ^^

Love Winnie


02 October 2010

Day 7: 10 Important People

So I don’t hurt anyone this is in alphabetical order. If you’rea bit out.. then I bored of singing that rhyme.

<3 Alice, your fashion is quirky and always interesting.

<3 Chau, because she's always there for me even at 2am and she is very considerate and caring

<3 Em, she is so down to earth its refreshing. Though i'm worrying if she caught the wrong bus or woke up late is something to be concerned about. Take better care of yourself dear.

<3 Eunice, she's so different from me but she's so interesting to talk to

<3 Mish, my personal paparazzi (*coughstalkercough*), i don't think going out with friends will ever be the same again ^^ Talking with her is always so easy

<3 Shelley, because her opinion is always truthful even though at times it hurts. Also, who else am i going to pig out with in frees and talk about random stuff with ???

<3 Tiff, my personal tester of pick up lines. Creeping her out is fun because she is so adorable.

<3 Tree, whenever i'm behind with work or just plain lost i can always count on her to help me back on track.

<3 Vicki, the one who makes the prettiest desserts. Yummy ~~

<3 Victoria, she's caring and takes time to do things for her friends. Thanks for driving me home the other night love. It's nice to have her by my side because she reminds me to be the best i can be, like her ^^

Love Winnie

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