13 April 2010

The Evil P

If the word procrastination didn't exist, then this would have at least been productive.


Lee said...

"Procrastination is like masturbation. In the end you're only screwing yourself." - Unknown source.

I tried to pin up little motivational quotes around the house to help me stay focused but my dad keeps ruining them by adding things like "Do Maths" to the bottom.

13 April 2010

The Evil P

If the word procrastination didn't exist, then this would have at least been productive.

1 comment:

Lee said...

"Procrastination is like masturbation. In the end you're only screwing yourself." - Unknown source.

I tried to pin up little motivational quotes around the house to help me stay focused but my dad keeps ruining them by adding things like "Do Maths" to the bottom.


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