16 May 2009

A year's reading

What's your reading list for this year? Including that which you want to read and have read bits of. No Libra Pad odd spots don't count.
U-unread, P-partially read
1. P-Heroes by John Pilger
2. P-Utopia by Sir Thomas More
3. U-A people's history of the US - Howard Zinn
4. P-Satanic Verses by Rushdie
5. U-White Teeth by Zadie Smith
6. U-Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
7. P-The Communist Manifesto
8. U-The Essential Chomsky
9. Hamlet
10. U-Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
11. U-The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
12. U-Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli (and the sequel)
13. U-The Rare and the Beautiful by Cressida Connolly
14. U-The Mitford Girls by Mary S Lovell
15. U-The Holy Quran
16. P-The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
17. P-Half Broken Things by Morag Joss
18. P-A Dark Adapted Eye by Barbara Vines
19. U-My Maths Textbook
20. U-Something on Buddhism
21. P-Catch-22 by Heller
22. U-The Dice man ...Which I've wanted to read for about three years but I can't bloody find!
23. U-Dreams From my Father by O-bummer
24. U-Years of Upheaval, Years of Renewal by Kissinger
and everything by Lovecraft.

Currently reading The Canterbury Tales and 1984.


marshmellow_cheeks said...

Wow, erm, I've only read one book on your list. Which is Lolita.

justasimplepoohbear said...

ive read only one on ur list too hamlet xppp

Stella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

16 May 2009

A year's reading

What's your reading list for this year? Including that which you want to read and have read bits of. No Libra Pad odd spots don't count.
U-unread, P-partially read
1. P-Heroes by John Pilger
2. P-Utopia by Sir Thomas More
3. U-A people's history of the US - Howard Zinn
4. P-Satanic Verses by Rushdie
5. U-White Teeth by Zadie Smith
6. U-Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
7. P-The Communist Manifesto
8. U-The Essential Chomsky
9. Hamlet
10. U-Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
11. U-The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
12. U-Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli (and the sequel)
13. U-The Rare and the Beautiful by Cressida Connolly
14. U-The Mitford Girls by Mary S Lovell
15. U-The Holy Quran
16. P-The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
17. P-Half Broken Things by Morag Joss
18. P-A Dark Adapted Eye by Barbara Vines
19. U-My Maths Textbook
20. U-Something on Buddhism
21. P-Catch-22 by Heller
22. U-The Dice man ...Which I've wanted to read for about three years but I can't bloody find!
23. U-Dreams From my Father by O-bummer
24. U-Years of Upheaval, Years of Renewal by Kissinger
and everything by Lovecraft.

Currently reading The Canterbury Tales and 1984.


marshmellow_cheeks said...

Wow, erm, I've only read one book on your list. Which is Lolita.

justasimplepoohbear said...

ive read only one on ur list too hamlet xppp

Stella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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