17 March 2009

Wanna see cool stuff?

Haha, the people look like they're underwater, but there's actually glass on top of them, and the water is on top of that..but gosh, it looks cool!

Ahh, and also, there's a hotel in Austria..I should probably just show you the pictures.. :)


paradise said...

Lol, you should have a weekly post of this stuff =D

17 March 2009

Wanna see cool stuff?

Haha, the people look like they're underwater, but there's actually glass on top of them, and the water is on top of that..but gosh, it looks cool!

Ahh, and also, there's a hotel in Austria..I should probably just show you the pictures.. :)

1 comment:

paradise said...

Lol, you should have a weekly post of this stuff =D


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