21 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson Two

In Lesson One, I described how to be bored. So this lesson, I shall describe what being bored is like.

While doing something that no longer entertains you, you feel this compelling urge to continue doing it, even though it's no longer is fun. You feel like you're obligated to continue doing it but you have no idea why.

For example, when I'm bored, I read fanfiction with my head on my arms and my eyes barely open, but I can't be bothered to stop and do anything else.

And that is what being bored is like.

Next time:
How to cope with being bored.


21 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson Two

In Lesson One, I described how to be bored. So this lesson, I shall describe what being bored is like.

While doing something that no longer entertains you, you feel this compelling urge to continue doing it, even though it's no longer is fun. You feel like you're obligated to continue doing it but you have no idea why.

For example, when I'm bored, I read fanfiction with my head on my arms and my eyes barely open, but I can't be bothered to stop and do anything else.

And that is what being bored is like.

Next time:
How to cope with being bored.

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