20 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson One

Folks, if you don't like this post, you can blame Winnie, this was entirely her idea. It was spawned on this very night when she mentioned that our blog was looking empty. So here I am typing up this wonderful post and sharing my knowledge with you lovely people. So, here we go.

Now my lovely pupils, since I have perfected the art of being bored, I feel obliged to impart some of this knowledge onto you. :) The first thing you need, is to do something that you love. Keep doing this over and over and over again until you're sick of it, but you have nothing else to do so you must continue to do it. So day after day, continue to do this activity and you find yourself so bored..but you can't do anything else. And there you have the first step to perfecting the Art of Being Bored. :)


20 December 2008

The Art of Being Bored: Lesson One

Folks, if you don't like this post, you can blame Winnie, this was entirely her idea. It was spawned on this very night when she mentioned that our blog was looking empty. So here I am typing up this wonderful post and sharing my knowledge with you lovely people. So, here we go.

Now my lovely pupils, since I have perfected the art of being bored, I feel obliged to impart some of this knowledge onto you. :) The first thing you need, is to do something that you love. Keep doing this over and over and over again until you're sick of it, but you have nothing else to do so you must continue to do it. So day after day, continue to do this activity and you find yourself so bored..but you can't do anything else. And there you have the first step to perfecting the Art of Being Bored. :)

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