14 October 2010

Blonde Asian Moments

edit: 17/10/10

Please don't feel offended! It's just for everyone else to laugh at you! Get your revenge by posting more XD

I sent Winnie this link because I'm a pervert. In case you didn't want to click it, the thread's title is "Junhyung's Balls".
"I like his blonde hair. Whose hair is it?...
[moments later]
What's that thing between his legs?"
Michelle after having the wind blow the playing cards in her direction several times:
"Ahahah I'm magnetic!"
Vicki comfirming which way we will take turns while playing cards:
"Clockwise is this way (motions with hand) from my perspective"
Winnie being "adorable" and tired:
"brb i think i need a nappy"
Shelley: hehe kevin is to winnie as tiffany is to shelley. no wait that's too creepy
(highlight to read the next part)

Feel free to edit and add any other blonde asian moments! We're all crunchie bars!


justasimplepoohbear said...

hey the blonde hair is the salient image xpppp

Lee said...

@tiff: i'm not that creepy really...and i don't want to get into your pants or try to find your bum in a photo *ahem winnie*
@winnie: that's not a blonde moment! it's an 'awwww' moment...you fool. You wish I loved YOU that much.

justasimplepoohbear said...

hmpft. fine don't love me as much as i like kevin xpp i don't love you either hmpft ahahah hey i wasn't the one who spend all morning talking about u know what.

14 October 2010

Blonde Asian Moments

edit: 17/10/10

Please don't feel offended! It's just for everyone else to laugh at you! Get your revenge by posting more XD

I sent Winnie this link because I'm a pervert. In case you didn't want to click it, the thread's title is "Junhyung's Balls".
"I like his blonde hair. Whose hair is it?...
[moments later]
What's that thing between his legs?"
Michelle after having the wind blow the playing cards in her direction several times:
"Ahahah I'm magnetic!"
Vicki comfirming which way we will take turns while playing cards:
"Clockwise is this way (motions with hand) from my perspective"
Winnie being "adorable" and tired:
"brb i think i need a nappy"
Shelley: hehe kevin is to winnie as tiffany is to shelley. no wait that's too creepy
(highlight to read the next part)

Feel free to edit and add any other blonde asian moments! We're all crunchie bars!


justasimplepoohbear said...

hey the blonde hair is the salient image xpppp

Lee said...

@tiff: i'm not that creepy really...and i don't want to get into your pants or try to find your bum in a photo *ahem winnie*
@winnie: that's not a blonde moment! it's an 'awwww' moment...you fool. You wish I loved YOU that much.

justasimplepoohbear said...

hmpft. fine don't love me as much as i like kevin xpp i don't love you either hmpft ahahah hey i wasn't the one who spend all morning talking about u know what.


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