26 September 2010

Day 3: 10 Things you hate

Guys, this is late but you guys are later so post xpp

<\3 My room messy, even though currently it's a pig sty. I cannot wait till i can throw out all my year 12 things and finally have a clean room/

<\3 I hate indecisiveness. It's a quality i have and i really want to change that.

<\3 Stupid questions. (That's my lack of patience talking)

<\3 People breaking promises.

<\3 People guilting me into something.

<\3 People who don't listen to me when i'm talking. Or forget in the next second.

<\3 Fakers, facades, two-faced bitches

<\3 People who come to me only for help.

<\3 Disappointing myself

<\3 People who place themselves constantly first and completely disregard or even consider other people's feelings.


26 September 2010

Day 3: 10 Things you hate

Guys, this is late but you guys are later so post xpp

<\3 My room messy, even though currently it's a pig sty. I cannot wait till i can throw out all my year 12 things and finally have a clean room/

<\3 I hate indecisiveness. It's a quality i have and i really want to change that.

<\3 Stupid questions. (That's my lack of patience talking)

<\3 People breaking promises.

<\3 People guilting me into something.

<\3 People who don't listen to me when i'm talking. Or forget in the next second.

<\3 Fakers, facades, two-faced bitches

<\3 People who come to me only for help.

<\3 Disappointing myself

<\3 People who place themselves constantly first and completely disregard or even consider other people's feelings.

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