Well after a chuckle, what do you think about asian girls and different races?
My sister was in QLD a couple of months back and while she was in the bathroom, two white girls saw her and started bitching about her and asians in general. My sister, being the type to avoid fights, let this go and headed outside where she told her friend about this. Type A personality friend hhas a screaming competition with them.
Your thoughts on Racism in Australia?
Racism against asians...I find really really really funny..
Racism in general...sucks shit. People that are racist need to get a life and pull the stick jammed up their ass out.
oh Jess. ♥
same thoughts though I lean more towards the thought that racism-is-ignorance.
Lol..asian racism..hilarious
I would be tempted to say that other people are just jealous about our superior intellect..but then figured that we have some brain dead people in our group...coughwinniecough.
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