Make a new set of New years resolutions!
I have different hair and contacts. I haven't really improved academically. I haven't been as melodramatic and I still don't take anything too seriously. I'm not very healthy ahaha and I still talk a lot of bullshit. I have both black and colour yeah! I don't know if I'm more domineering or dominating.
This year:
♥ decide where I want to be in life career-wise and get there
♥ disregard people that I do not care for / stop wasting time
♥ be my own source of motivation
♥ be a lady / grow up
♥ exercise regularly
♥ read widely
Ooh! I'm not really sure how helpful New Years Resolutions are, since I broke my second one from last year in like February. I couldn't help myself! But erm, I did manage to get down to a size 6, and then decide that starving myself was no fun and have bounced back thanks to those squashed marshmellows Shelley (I think squashed marshmellows are actually nicer than non-squashed ones.) and a lot of ice-cream. I think I'm different, more mature, and not as worried about what everyone thinks, because I've realized it actually really doesn't matter. I'm in a really good place now after a few rocky months, but that's all been sorted out, and I don't think I'm going to make many resolutions because I already have personal goals that I'm working towards. :)
Just one:
♥ Be happy!
"People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily."
— | Zig Ziglar |
<3 Wii's
Hehe after i read back on my last years resolution i realised they didn't really influence me to do anything that's not the norm. But yes i guess i did achieve many of those resolutions. Lets see... well i did get a new hair cut ^^ *beams* and i guess my grades in year 11 were pretty good, i didn't really lose weight, well i did expand my vocab , i mean even one word is counted as fulfulling that one.
But yes this year my resolution is to try my best for the hsc year and to have loads fun after. My motto : Work hard and party hard
Wee and now its time for bed. sweet dreams everyone. ^^