I'm proud because I updated my success/appreciation of the month post. *BOAST*
I'm in love. With my own typing.
17 February 2009
15 February 2009
oh-bumber, obama survey
They dont let me copy the actual survey but I just wanted to know your thoughts.
They dont let me copy the actual survey but I just wanted to know your thoughts.
14 February 2009
For laughs and Eunice
Mock the week:
Harry Potter:
Dr Who:
Oh how I love Mock the Week.
Harry Potter:
Dr Who:
Oh how I love Mock the Week.
03 February 2009
Tick Tock
That instant in time when you suddenly find what you've been looking for for years? I just had it. It was explosively wonderful and my curiosity and open doors are greater than they have ever been (erm...this year).
To the point: I just discovered a magazine that writes about/publishes the majority of my current interests.
Deadbeat Magazine; Hot Rods, Pin up, Lowbrow Art, Tattoos, Music.
So what is it that you've suddenly found and loved?
oh and it features Colleen Duffy in all her glam and glory.
To the point: I just discovered a magazine that writes about/publishes the majority of my current interests.
Deadbeat Magazine; Hot Rods, Pin up, Lowbrow Art, Tattoos, Music.
So what is it that you've suddenly found and loved?
oh and it features Colleen Duffy in all her glam and glory.
01 February 2009
Success of The Month/Appreciation Post
I came up with an idea (okay, I didn't really come up with the idea, I got it from Allstars) that Shelley thinks is great too. It's called 'Success of the Month' or 'Appreciation Post'. I figured since we barely see each other anymore, it'll be hard to stay connected, and well, chain mails get lost so often and it's hard to grope around for what to say when we hardly ever see each other besides 'how are you?' and 'which class are you going to?'. This way, we can stay connected, learn about each others successes and celebrate in everyone's achievement. I'll share mine first, and then you just add yours to the bottom of this post. A note from Shelley: please no calorie/kilojoules counting. And don't feel like whatever you have to share is too small (or too big). We're all friends here. :)
Your success can be anything, honestly. As long it's important to you. It can be anything from having done your homework, having passed an exam, having not procrastinated, having reached out to someone else, having stuck to your New Year's Resolution for another month, having kicked a bad habit, having a conversation with a guy, I don't know. I suppose if you really, really feel like you haven't accomplished anything in a month, you don't have to post anything. But I dunno, whatever you share will be celebrated. :)
"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde
I must admit that I haven't had much practice in handing out compliments, and congratulating people. So yeah, it's something I'm learning to do.
Okay, my success of the month, is having finally succeeded in growing lemon cucumbers. Not lemons and cucumbers, but a heirloom variety of cucumbers (called lemon cucumber, because it vaguely resembles a cucumber), because I believe in biodiversity and seed saving for the future generations of the world. I believe in organic food, and growing food without petrochemicals, and sustainable gardening practices. :)
I finally succeeded after failing 16 times. I guess 17th time is the charm, heh. My first 16 attempts at growing them were either aborted by all the leaves of my seedlings getting eaten by slugs, forgetting to water them and having them wilt and die, forgetting to take them out of the sun and having them wilt and die in 35 degree heat, or just having them wilt and die on me for absolutely no reason.

Some photos of my darlings. They're not great photos because it was sunny and you know how I feel about standing in the sun for a long time.
Add yours to the bottom of mine!
I'm assuming these are conquests of the month pervious: January. So:
♥I learnt to hula hoop around my waist, my knees, my wrists and on my feet while lying down/on my side. I also learnt some tricks like hula hooping around my waist on an angle and whirling it above my head and bringing it down to my waist.
♥I've been successful in keeping all of my breakfasts since Friday 9th "Shelley's first day of raw action" raw and almost all of my lunches raw. (Except for the occasional holiday temptation and today's veggie wrap). Eventually I plan to rid my world of unpleasant heavy snacks (lindt...mmm...) and then meat and then cooked dinner.
♥I've managed to broaden my horizons, my vision and feed my positivity. oh and block out negativity through selective hearing.
♥I discovered love for pin up and rockabilly and renewed love for horrorpops and devil doll and msi.
♥I got down to business instead of being all talk and no action and landed myself at a music event =). I'm going to refrain from calling it a concert because that sounds uncomfortable and gig sounds "all muso" as Tiff would probably say.
♥I'm excited about doing my work. I'm not even sure that I should be proud of that but I really quite love the link that my english work has with politics and psychology at the moment. Oh, and I'm doing lots of work :). Someday I'll have so much important to say that John's ears will implode and he will be sorry he ever taught me to speak up.
I didn't really achieve anything. I just watched alot of DVDs in January: Doctor Who Series 1 & 3, Life on Mars Series 2, Spooks Series 4 & 5, Ashes to Ashes Series 1 and more. I discovered my love of Visage. Great music! Ermm, I was introduced to them through Ashes to Ashes... I bought their CD along with David Bowie, Roxy Music and Soft Cell.
Your success can be anything, honestly. As long it's important to you. It can be anything from having done your homework, having passed an exam, having not procrastinated, having reached out to someone else, having stuck to your New Year's Resolution for another month, having kicked a bad habit, having a conversation with a guy, I don't know. I suppose if you really, really feel like you haven't accomplished anything in a month, you don't have to post anything. But I dunno, whatever you share will be celebrated. :)
"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde
I must admit that I haven't had much practice in handing out compliments, and congratulating people. So yeah, it's something I'm learning to do.
Okay, my success of the month, is having finally succeeded in growing lemon cucumbers. Not lemons and cucumbers, but a heirloom variety of cucumbers (called lemon cucumber, because it vaguely resembles a cucumber), because I believe in biodiversity and seed saving for the future generations of the world. I believe in organic food, and growing food without petrochemicals, and sustainable gardening practices. :)
I finally succeeded after failing 16 times. I guess 17th time is the charm, heh. My first 16 attempts at growing them were either aborted by all the leaves of my seedlings getting eaten by slugs, forgetting to water them and having them wilt and die, forgetting to take them out of the sun and having them wilt and die in 35 degree heat, or just having them wilt and die on me for absolutely no reason.

Some photos of my darlings. They're not great photos because it was sunny and you know how I feel about standing in the sun for a long time.
Add yours to the bottom of mine!
I'm assuming these are conquests of the month pervious: January. So:
♥I learnt to hula hoop around my waist, my knees, my wrists and on my feet while lying down/on my side. I also learnt some tricks like hula hooping around my waist on an angle and whirling it above my head and bringing it down to my waist.
♥I've been successful in keeping all of my breakfasts since Friday 9th "Shelley's first day of raw action" raw and almost all of my lunches raw. (Except for the occasional holiday temptation and today's veggie wrap). Eventually I plan to rid my world of unpleasant heavy snacks (lindt...mmm...) and then meat and then cooked dinner.
♥I've managed to broaden my horizons, my vision and feed my positivity. oh and block out negativity through selective hearing.
♥I discovered love for pin up and rockabilly and renewed love for horrorpops and devil doll and msi.
♥I got down to business instead of being all talk and no action and landed myself at a music event =). I'm going to refrain from calling it a concert because that sounds uncomfortable and gig sounds "all muso" as Tiff would probably say.
♥I'm excited about doing my work. I'm not even sure that I should be proud of that but I really quite love the link that my english work has with politics and psychology at the moment. Oh, and I'm doing lots of work :). Someday I'll have so much important to say that John's ears will implode and he will be sorry he ever taught me to speak up.
I didn't really achieve anything. I just watched alot of DVDs in January: Doctor Who Series 1 & 3, Life on Mars Series 2, Spooks Series 4 & 5, Ashes to Ashes Series 1 and more. I discovered my love of Visage. Great music! Ermm, I was introduced to them through Ashes to Ashes... I bought their CD along with David Bowie, Roxy Music and Soft Cell.
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17 February 2009
15 February 2009
oh-bumber, obama survey
They dont let me copy the actual survey but I just wanted to know your thoughts.
They dont let me copy the actual survey but I just wanted to know your thoughts.
14 February 2009
03 February 2009
Tick Tock
That instant in time when you suddenly find what you've been looking for for years? I just had it. It was explosively wonderful and my curiosity and open doors are greater than they have ever been (erm...this year).
To the point: I just discovered a magazine that writes about/publishes the majority of my current interests.
Deadbeat Magazine; Hot Rods, Pin up, Lowbrow Art, Tattoos, Music.
So what is it that you've suddenly found and loved?
oh and it features Colleen Duffy in all her glam and glory.
To the point: I just discovered a magazine that writes about/publishes the majority of my current interests.
Deadbeat Magazine; Hot Rods, Pin up, Lowbrow Art, Tattoos, Music.
So what is it that you've suddenly found and loved?
oh and it features Colleen Duffy in all her glam and glory.
01 February 2009
Success of The Month/Appreciation Post
I came up with an idea (okay, I didn't really come up with the idea, I got it from Allstars) that Shelley thinks is great too. It's called 'Success of the Month' or 'Appreciation Post'. I figured since we barely see each other anymore, it'll be hard to stay connected, and well, chain mails get lost so often and it's hard to grope around for what to say when we hardly ever see each other besides 'how are you?' and 'which class are you going to?'. This way, we can stay connected, learn about each others successes and celebrate in everyone's achievement. I'll share mine first, and then you just add yours to the bottom of this post. A note from Shelley: please no calorie/kilojoules counting. And don't feel like whatever you have to share is too small (or too big). We're all friends here. :)
Your success can be anything, honestly. As long it's important to you. It can be anything from having done your homework, having passed an exam, having not procrastinated, having reached out to someone else, having stuck to your New Year's Resolution for another month, having kicked a bad habit, having a conversation with a guy, I don't know. I suppose if you really, really feel like you haven't accomplished anything in a month, you don't have to post anything. But I dunno, whatever you share will be celebrated. :)
"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde
I must admit that I haven't had much practice in handing out compliments, and congratulating people. So yeah, it's something I'm learning to do.
Okay, my success of the month, is having finally succeeded in growing lemon cucumbers. Not lemons and cucumbers, but a heirloom variety of cucumbers (called lemon cucumber, because it vaguely resembles a cucumber), because I believe in biodiversity and seed saving for the future generations of the world. I believe in organic food, and growing food without petrochemicals, and sustainable gardening practices. :)
I finally succeeded after failing 16 times. I guess 17th time is the charm, heh. My first 16 attempts at growing them were either aborted by all the leaves of my seedlings getting eaten by slugs, forgetting to water them and having them wilt and die, forgetting to take them out of the sun and having them wilt and die in 35 degree heat, or just having them wilt and die on me for absolutely no reason.

Some photos of my darlings. They're not great photos because it was sunny and you know how I feel about standing in the sun for a long time.
Add yours to the bottom of mine!
I'm assuming these are conquests of the month pervious: January. So:
♥I learnt to hula hoop around my waist, my knees, my wrists and on my feet while lying down/on my side. I also learnt some tricks like hula hooping around my waist on an angle and whirling it above my head and bringing it down to my waist.
♥I've been successful in keeping all of my breakfasts since Friday 9th "Shelley's first day of raw action" raw and almost all of my lunches raw. (Except for the occasional holiday temptation and today's veggie wrap). Eventually I plan to rid my world of unpleasant heavy snacks (lindt...mmm...) and then meat and then cooked dinner.
♥I've managed to broaden my horizons, my vision and feed my positivity. oh and block out negativity through selective hearing.
♥I discovered love for pin up and rockabilly and renewed love for horrorpops and devil doll and msi.
♥I got down to business instead of being all talk and no action and landed myself at a music event =). I'm going to refrain from calling it a concert because that sounds uncomfortable and gig sounds "all muso" as Tiff would probably say.
♥I'm excited about doing my work. I'm not even sure that I should be proud of that but I really quite love the link that my english work has with politics and psychology at the moment. Oh, and I'm doing lots of work :). Someday I'll have so much important to say that John's ears will implode and he will be sorry he ever taught me to speak up.
I didn't really achieve anything. I just watched alot of DVDs in January: Doctor Who Series 1 & 3, Life on Mars Series 2, Spooks Series 4 & 5, Ashes to Ashes Series 1 and more. I discovered my love of Visage. Great music! Ermm, I was introduced to them through Ashes to Ashes... I bought their CD along with David Bowie, Roxy Music and Soft Cell.
Your success can be anything, honestly. As long it's important to you. It can be anything from having done your homework, having passed an exam, having not procrastinated, having reached out to someone else, having stuck to your New Year's Resolution for another month, having kicked a bad habit, having a conversation with a guy, I don't know. I suppose if you really, really feel like you haven't accomplished anything in a month, you don't have to post anything. But I dunno, whatever you share will be celebrated. :)
"Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde
I must admit that I haven't had much practice in handing out compliments, and congratulating people. So yeah, it's something I'm learning to do.
Okay, my success of the month, is having finally succeeded in growing lemon cucumbers. Not lemons and cucumbers, but a heirloom variety of cucumbers (called lemon cucumber, because it vaguely resembles a cucumber), because I believe in biodiversity and seed saving for the future generations of the world. I believe in organic food, and growing food without petrochemicals, and sustainable gardening practices. :)
I finally succeeded after failing 16 times. I guess 17th time is the charm, heh. My first 16 attempts at growing them were either aborted by all the leaves of my seedlings getting eaten by slugs, forgetting to water them and having them wilt and die, forgetting to take them out of the sun and having them wilt and die in 35 degree heat, or just having them wilt and die on me for absolutely no reason.

Some photos of my darlings. They're not great photos because it was sunny and you know how I feel about standing in the sun for a long time.
Add yours to the bottom of mine!
I'm assuming these are conquests of the month pervious: January. So:
♥I learnt to hula hoop around my waist, my knees, my wrists and on my feet while lying down/on my side. I also learnt some tricks like hula hooping around my waist on an angle and whirling it above my head and bringing it down to my waist.
♥I've been successful in keeping all of my breakfasts since Friday 9th "Shelley's first day of raw action" raw and almost all of my lunches raw. (Except for the occasional holiday temptation and today's veggie wrap). Eventually I plan to rid my world of unpleasant heavy snacks (lindt...mmm...) and then meat and then cooked dinner.
♥I've managed to broaden my horizons, my vision and feed my positivity. oh and block out negativity through selective hearing.
♥I discovered love for pin up and rockabilly and renewed love for horrorpops and devil doll and msi.
♥I got down to business instead of being all talk and no action and landed myself at a music event =). I'm going to refrain from calling it a concert because that sounds uncomfortable and gig sounds "all muso" as Tiff would probably say.
♥I'm excited about doing my work. I'm not even sure that I should be proud of that but I really quite love the link that my english work has with politics and psychology at the moment. Oh, and I'm doing lots of work :). Someday I'll have so much important to say that John's ears will implode and he will be sorry he ever taught me to speak up.
I didn't really achieve anything. I just watched alot of DVDs in January: Doctor Who Series 1 & 3, Life on Mars Series 2, Spooks Series 4 & 5, Ashes to Ashes Series 1 and more. I discovered my love of Visage. Great music! Ermm, I was introduced to them through Ashes to Ashes... I bought their CD along with David Bowie, Roxy Music and Soft Cell.
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